Q go Round

With a last minute Q change we took turns leading. 

Warm Up:

Diesel – 
20 SSH
Right over left
Left over right
10 windmills
Mosey around parking lot. Last one back takes the next turn

C# –
Mosey to rock pile
10 curls
rotate rocks last person doing skull crushers gets next turn

Tipper –
mosey from rock pile over concrete wall to loading dock.
bear crawl up 
10 jump ups each leag
crawl bear back
mosey around school

Lunge walk for 4 minutes

Spork – 
mosey around school to launch pad

Bertha –
tennis court work
running to each base line of court with merkins at each line 5,10,15,20, 25

Nittany –
mosey to parking lot
quadrafillia up the hill
WW1 at bottom
sprint up the hill
DR W at the bottom
quadrafillia up the hill
american hammer at the bottom


1 Corinthians 15:3
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also recieved: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures.