Q Go Round

Event Date

Sep 28, 2024

8 PAX this am (4 Q’s, 2 FNGs: Isaac(Cheese) and Kalli, their father, and 1 really fast PAX) meet at the launch pad and made things up as they went.

Warmup (Sonar)

  • disclaimer
  • SSH
  • cotton pickers
  • imperial storm troopers
  • arm circles

Beatdown segment 1 (Dirt_Denver) 

  • 10 Michael Phelps IC
  • run to first line, 2 burpees, back to start and 10 Michael Phelps IC
  • run to second line, 2 burpees, back to start and 10 Michael Phelps IC
  • run to third line, 2 burpees
  • To tables for 10 stepups
  • back to start for (Cheese’s request) 10 jump squats
  • run to first line, 2 burpees, back to start and 10 Jump squats
  • run to second line, 2 burpees, back to start and 10 jump squats
  • run to third line, 2 burpees, back to start

Beatdown segment 2 (C#)

  • Grab a block
  • curls 10 at first line, move to next line and do 9, repeato reducing by one each line.
  • 3 skull crushers each line on way back to start
  • 1 air press each line going back
  • skip a line and do 3 bent over row, repeato back to start
  • move to front of gym
  • 15 normal merkins, 10 incline merkins on seat of table, 5 incline merkins on table of table
  • 15 incline merkins on table, 10 incline merkins on seat, 5 normal merkins
  • 5 decline merkins on curb
  • Move behind school and do stand up wall merkins AMRAP plus 5 more at Sonar’s request
  • then run into woods

Beatdown Segment 3 (Dolittle)

triple nickle

in woods do 5 squats run to road behind school and do 5 lunges (each leg) then repeat 5 times


triple nickle

find spot on pavement and do 5 LBCs plus elbow to knee each side

then run to AC unit and do 5 WW1s

repeat 5 times

back to launch



Matthew 16:24

then Jesus said to them “whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves take up their cross and follow me”


unfortunately in todays culture, just like when Jesus walked, there isn’t enough of this. We must not only repent and believe for our salvation but deny ourselves and follow Him (live like he did and share the gospel) as it is His command.


Prayed for all affected by Hurricane Helene

if you want to know what the MC was, show to know next week.

God Bless
