Q-less workouts are an actual thing. Who knew?

It wasn't much of a convergence with only 12 pax, but it was good that all the BRR-avoiders got together to alleviate their guilt. We shared Q duties in a democratic fashion, although, as in Animal Farm, some animals were more equal than others in the dispensing of the exercises.

We started with the usual warm-ups (except for the unpleasant addition of 25 burpees called by Uncle Rico) and moseyed to the fake grass for some shenanigans:

  • Blackbeard dreamed up a ladder with Carolina Dry Docks and jump squats.
  • Various Pax contributed to four corners with an assemblage of rock-ercizes, ab pain, hover merkins, the-thing-where-you-jump-over-the-plankers'-legs, and other nonsense. We taught the out-of-towners a couple of our originals (girl fights, Karate Kids) and we picked up Hillbillies (same-side ISTs–you'll understand when you do them).
  • To finish up, Uncle Rico called for "soccer-ball dodge-ball with dribbling and exercises" and YHC won this stupid game for the first time in history. Pretty sure they let me win because it was my birthday. 54 baby! War Daddy again!
  • Marys in the parking lot were interrupted by cheers for Gnarly Goat comin' in hot from the BRR, baton in hand. (As if we needed another reminder of what we weren't doing that morning!)
  • Name-a-Rama revealed Cesar, a stealth FNG sponsored by an absent Moses. Since he came in under the radar due to the new faces from the convergence, we did a post-workout disclaimer, but I'm pretty sure Judge Judy wouldn't find that enforceable. Cesar will get his name at St. Mark's on Tuesday and Moses has conferred naming rights to me, but that's cutting it close with my 8:30 flight out of Charlotte, so if I can't make it, I'm sure the assembled throng will do the honors. His childhood nickname was Pototo, so keep that in mind.
  • Soprano took us out and most of the Pax headed to D9 for beers(?) and BRR support, but YHC had to bail due to family obligations, so I missed my favorite part of the week.

It was nice to get to know some new faces and enjoy an excellent workout on a gorgeous morning that started with a pregnant moon in ebony skies and melted into a postcard-perfect pastel sunrise. Membership has its privileges.