Q Lives up to his favorite football team

Event Date

Apr 12, 2018

4 hungry Pax showed up for a Kosar beatdown at the Dragon Slayer at a crisp 5:25 in the gloom. We ran past rucking bears — grabbed our bell — and came back up front. At 5:30 the 4 hungry Pax were still there, but Q Kosar was a no-show living up to spirit embodied by his beloved Cleveland Browns.

Caboose stepped up ready to lead the Pax in a strong workout reguardless. 


Grab your bells — run to the back

Side straddle
Cotton pickers
Imperial Storm Troopers
Toy soldiers

Line up across the from the small hill

Sets of  20-15-10-5
KB Swings
Run to curb
Qaud up the hill 
Run back to bell

Partner up, which was tough with four, but we’re smart guys and figured it out quickly
Line up 
Partner one running timer
Partner 2 Exercise  

Rotation of Pax Choice:
Caboose: Single arm presses
Flo: Curl
Fescue: Upright row
Tuck: Skull crushers

Recover lap

Caboose: Burpies
Flo: Low flutter with press
Fescue: Lawnmower

Tuck: Goblet squats

Recover lap

Cabbose: Single arm clean 
Flo: ???
Fescue: KB Swings
Tuck: Curls

Recover lap

Put your Bells back
Mosey to front

Mary Pax Choice

Caboose: Pretzel Crunch
Flo: WW2 Situps
Fescue: The W
Tuck: Elbow plank


Mole Skin: 

  • Thanks to Caboose for picking up and leading the Pax today.  
  • Kosar you were missed at the Dragon Slayer
  • Pax avoided bear crawls and being EHed by crawling bears

((BB by secretary Tuck))