Rule #1 of Qing: Wear a watch. YHC was a good example of what not to do this morning. Cobains. Fortunately, the rest of the Pax had watches and we ended the workout on time. Timeliness is important. Start on time, end on time. Pax have places to be- M's, 2.0's, and jobs all have expectations- do your best to start and end the workouts on time.

Ok, where were we… Ahh yes, the WARMUP:

Mosey + butt kickers + high knees around the parking lot, then circle up in the nice patch of pavement tucked away from the flow of traffic. Good choice of location, poor timing. As YHC was describing the importance of the disclaimer a huge garbage truck pulled up next to us, making it difficult to hear and distracting the Q. Thankfully, Outlaw stepped in and gave a wonderful rendition of how F3, the MQ, the Q, and the AO itself are not responsible for the decisons you make at the workout. Modify where necessary, know your limits, don't injure yourself. 

Demonstration given on how to call cadence and then multiple newbies were given the chance to practice calling exercises. Well done!

From there we moseyed to the steps behind Town Hall, for… 


The Thing or The Thang, is the meat and potatoes of the workout. This is where the hard work and planned comes in. Have one long grouping of exercises or multiple smaller groupings planned. Keep it simple, especially when you start Qing. It's easier for you the Q to remember and also easier for the Pax to follow. A Dora workout, named after the 3 obstacle checkpoints that Dora the Explorer has to overcome in the show, is a great example. 

It is always better to have too much to do and have to cut it back, than to have too little and have to make it up on the fly. Unless you like to live on the wild side like Crocs and just make the whole thing up as you go. 

In this workout I called a combo exercise called the Pinky Pie, which is a ladder, consisting of:

  • Alternate dips and incline merkins- starting with one dip and 10 incline merkins, increasing the Dipset (anyone?) by one until 10, and decreasing the merkins by one until 1.

Once complete we circled up for a mini-Mary so the newbies could practice more cadence.

  • BamBams (start in plank -> merkin -> knees to chest  -> back to plank), single count, increase by one rep until to 5 of each
  • Squats – 10x (IC = In Cadence)
  • Slow Squats – 10x IC
  • Burpees 10x (more on this in the Moleskine)
  • The Batman – another combo exercise consisting of:
    • Moroccan Night Clubs 25x IC
    • Seal Claps 25x IC
    • Overhead claps 25x IC

Mosey to bottom of bridge on Greenway, connecting Cornelius to Davidson

  • bear crawl up bridge 1/3 of way, crab walk up bridge 1/3 of way, run to top

Mosey back to parking lot for Mary:

  • Superman until Recover Recover

MOLESKINE: This is where you document the mumblechatter, COT talk, and other happenings of the workout

  • Hopefully no one showed up at the old Fission site, Blackbeard updated the location on the website the night before the workout (thank you!)
  • Popcorn must be one of the new guys. He had the gall to call 10 burpees with Outlaw at the workout. Outlaw had to introduce himself – Bang Bang. Popcorn didn't know. Now he knows.
  • Honeysuckle Blue and Pinkman are quite the duo. They show up at every workout together, they push themselves, they half heartedly laugh at Crocs jokes, and they have the perfect names for a superhero and sidekick. Match made in heaven. Maybe they will co-Q a workout near you soon?
  • Camelback attempted to hide from the cadence, but we found him.
  • Uncle Rico is BACK baby. Good to see you 
  • Cheesy Puffs and Captain Caveman made the trip over from Davidson, thanks for joining
  • Moses, Goat, Canuck and Blackbeard had some good commentary during COT
    • These workouts may be the best part of a guy's day, remember that and try to make it that
    • Don't forget or leave the six, make sure someone is watching the back of the pack
    • Carry a phone in case of emergency

Sign up to Q a workout! Aim for one Q a week. It's not only the best way to get fit, it's a great way to build leaderships skills – and that's what we are about – re-invigorating male leadership in the community


