Final Four – Ping vs AM-PM

The challenge was called out to see who can lead the better workout all while wearing Jorts.  Yes, Jorts!  Ping shows up in Jorts, and yours truly decided to step it up a level and come with full jeans (Don’t recommend to workout with and this would evolve later!).

24 eager PAX show up to the hallowed grounds of dragonslayer where multiple pax commented on the fact it is in it’s third location over the last year.  While that is correct, we now have consistent attendance at St Marks and am will continue there.  Aye!

PING in all his JORT gloriousness…

  • Led us in some warmorama consisting of SSH, IST’s, and slippery dip cans
  • Would utilize dice to determine how many of a certain exercise we would do, and how many rounds
    • First roll would yield:
      • Sprint to Second Cone and Back
      • Perform 5 merkins
      • Perform 5 4 count low flutter
      • Complete five rounds of this exercise
    • Second roll would yield:
      • 1 lap around the lower parking circle
      • 1 pull-up
      • 1 burpee
      • Complete three rounds of this exercise
  • Then PING would yield to AM-PM with two extra minutes on the clock (thank you, would end up needing every minute!)

AM-PM in full jeans attire (oh wait, in an epic tear-away AM-PM would tear off bottom portion of jeans to participate in the Jortness)

  • We would then pause to reflect on Holy Week and what this means to us to be able to celebrate the crucificion and resurrection of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ and think about how we now have freedom to turn over our burdens to him and don’t hold onto them anymore.
  • PAX would receive a blank notecard in which they could write out a burden they are dealing with and keep it with them as they would pick up either a paving stone, a cinderblock, or a log.
    • Three different options represented how while we all have burdens, they’re not all the same
    • PAX would be advised to choose wisely as they would not be able to put the block down again for the remainder of the workout

Section 1: Represents Burdens from our past

  • Slow count curls x 10
    • ½ way up
    • ½ way down
    • All the way up and all the way down
  • Slow squats x 10
  • Skull crushers x 10
  • Overhead Press x 10

Section 2: Represents burdens from your present – Family, Marriage, Work, etc.

  • Suicide Run with Blocks
    • Every 2 spaces do 1 merkin, run back to beginning, and then go to fourth space where they add an additional merkin and so forth until they reached the first island

Section 3: Represents future burdens – anxiety, stress, retirement, finances etc…

  • Zamperini from launch point to school with block
  • Divide pax into half:
    • One half would perform pushup walk from the first column to last column
    • Other half would sit in peoples chair with blocks in their lap until
    • As PAX would finish pushup walk, they would replace partner on the wall sit until all PAX finished
  • Zamperini with block back to launch point while thinking of how good it would be lay your “burden” aka block down.

Once we all returned to launch point, YHC would remind everyone that we can lay our burdens down to Jesus and that we don’t have to carry them anymore.

In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus would tell the crowds:

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

As we celebrate Holy Week, remember the immense sacrifice paid for our sins and you don’t have to carry your burdens anymore.  Good reminder for me, and hopefully for everyone in attendance.

Thank you PAX as always for the opportunity to lead and on to the final round to face The Force.

In Him,

