Q vs Q last of round one

Event Date

Mar 21, 2023

For those not there it was a really tuff Q v Q. My goal was to just make sure the PAX got their money worth. I don’t Q often and rarely put much thought into it, I wing it. I am a winger!
This was not much differ, except I did learn how to create a playlist on Apple music. I had to Google how to, not that hard. 
Play list:
– Lose Yourself – Eminem
– Eye of the Tiger – Survivor
– Hearts on Fire – John Cafferty
– Jump Around – House of Pain
– Gonna Fly Now – Bill Conti

I asked the guys to team up (size matters, it didn’t but incase I needed it to). Each pair got a jump rope and a kettle bell. Off to the Fountain (music playing)

Step up each leg, Box jump (or jump squat), Burpee
times 10
Partner 2 jumps rope till they finish and switch
*I thought it was a good warm up, jury still out

Now run to pull up bars. 

2 sets of 10 pull ups. Supporting partner was encouraged. Not all can bang out 20 pull ups, but that is why we support one another and make each other stronger together

Next was to spread across the parking lot facing the church. 
Partner 1 sprints/runs down to 1st island – completes 5 burpees. Partner 2 shoulder press with the bell (not scrappy) till partner one gets back – switch
**Round 2 
P1 goes to the far island and does 10 burpees, P2 curls till they get back (when biceps are blown, switch back to shoulder press) – Switch

Next was patterns set up for merkins head to head. They do the merkin and slap hands (b/c it is cool to do ), Kosar doesn’t know the name

Run back to start, one song left. Nailing timing is critical!
Last exercise was inter-locking leg partner crunch times 30. 

Mulligan goes and starts with stretching, pigeon each leg. Then we are off to the blocks. (we had plenty of kettle bells there, but he had a plan)

– 20 curls with block in cadence, then run to 1st island for 5 burpees
– 20 curls, 20 shoulder press, then run to 2nd island for 5 burpees
– 20 curls, 20 shoulder press, 20 block squats, then run to 3rd island for 5 burpees
– 20 curls, 20 shoulder press, 20 block squats, 20 WW1 sit ups with block, then run to 4rd island for 5 burpees
– 20 curls, 20 shoulder press, 20 block squats, 20 WW1 sit ups with block

Back to start

Some how I got the vote, I think it was fixed/rigged. My vote would have been for Mulligan, very impressed with his workout. 

Are arms were sore after my work out and then Mulligan did not call an audible based on my workout and kill our biceps and shoulders. Killed them. 

Maybe it was my awesome play list that pulled it out. Boy the 22.5 min fly by when you are the Q. Strong overall workout, I think the PAX will agree. 

We prayed for Ultra mans son who is getting his wisdom teeth taken out today. For Toby’s mom who is home recovering from surgery. Really just to keep all family in mind. 

The Summary is that everyone won today, showing up is the key


