Q vs Q: Ramrod vs Jimmy Olsen – Good Times!

** not included in the PAX list above – Zaire (The Force’s 2.0)

The epic battle was set, Q vs. Q Round 1 – Ramrod vs. Jimmy Olsen!  26 PAX plus the two Qs showed up to The Wilderness to partake in the fun! Here is out it happened (the best I can remember anyway)

Ramrod and Jimmy Olsen both showed up early to walk the AO and put the finishing touches on their plans. To both of their surprise, the AO was not what they remembered.  The basketball court was off-limits and the rock pile was covered over!  Both Qs quickly started to mentally rewrite their weinkes on the fly!  

Ramrod called the group to order gave the disclaimer and ran through a brief warmup around the traffic circle and then handed over the reigns to Jimmy Olsen:

  • SSH
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Slow windmills


Jimmy Olsen 10 minutes:

  • Mosey to the far end of the parking lot
  • 5 merkins, run to the corner 10 jump squats, run to traffic circle and bear crawl around the tree, run back to start. Resting exercise = Curb Kickers
  • 10 merkins, run to the corner 15 jump squats, run to traffic circle and bear crawl around the tree, run back to start. Resting exercise = Mountain Climbers
  • 15 merkins, run to the corner 20 jump squats, run to traffic circle and bear crawl around the tree, run back to start. Resting exercise = 8 count body-builders
  • As we are finishing the last round time runs out and Ramrod takes over

Ramrod 10 minutes: (I cannot remember all the details)

  • Mosey out of the parking lot to the right and circle up at corners
  • Orders are given to line up by height – shortest to tallest.  The PAX are slow to organize.  Merkins are called.  The PAX line up and are told to pick a partner from the guys beside you.  
  • Mosey to bottom of the hill – more merkins and squats
  • Partner 1 sprints to the lamp post near the top of the hill
  • Partner 2 sprints to the lamp post near the top of the hill
  • Mosey to bottom of the hill for some more exercises
  • Partner 1 sprints to the lamp post near the top of the hill
  • Partner 2 sprints to the lamp post near the top of the hill
  • Mosey to bottom of the hill for some more exercises
  • Everybody quad-rephelia to top of the hill
  • Time runs out and Jimmy Olsen takes over

Jimmy Olsen 10 minutes:

  • Mosey to the traffic circle at the clubhouse and have everyone take a knee and listen to instructions.  Most don’t stop talking.  Q strongly suggests everyone quiet down.
  • Get in groups of 3.  Partner 1 will stay at the traffic circle and do burpees.  Partner 2 will go to far side of the parking lot and do 8-count body builders.  Partner 3 will sprint to Partner 2 and relieve him of doing the exercise. Partner 2 then sprints to Partner 1 and relieves him of doing the exercise. Partner 1 sprints to Partner 3 and relieves him of doing the exercise. Repeato until time is called.
    • Q explains the point of the set is to sprint as fast as you can to get to your brother and relieve him of the pain he is in. Put your discomfort of sprinting aside and focus on getting to your brother as fast as you can to help.  Ah symbolism!
  • Q calls time after 8 minutes and groups up the PAX in the corner of the parking lot. Plank position into down dog into Pigeon!! A crowd favorite!  Repeato on the other side.  
  • Time runs out and Ramrod is back in control

Ramrod 10 minutes

  • Q keeps everyone put and calls Airborne Mind Bending.  Another crowd favorite!
  • Mosey to sand volleyball court.  A rope is already laid out on the sand.  Find your partner from first rotation and line up across from them on the side of the court.  Partner 1 against Partner 2 – 10 hand release merkins.  Partner that wins gets back in line.  Loser runs a lap around the tree and back.
  • PAX split up into 4 teams of 7 for good old-fashioned Tug-O-War!!
  • Two wining team square off for championship round!  Great competition.
  • Two losing teams square off for Bronze medal round.  One team lets go and the Bronze medal winners end up in a heap in the sand! You get the picture!
  • Mosey around the traffic circle for abbreviated Mary.


  • Ramrod calls the W
  • Jimmy Olsen calls J-Lo
  • Recover Recover!!

Luckily someone brought ballots and the voting begins!

After a close race and the need for a re-count the winner is announced = Jimmy Olsen wins by the slimmest of margins!



  • During the voting Ramrod talked about the Shield Lockwith the PAX.  If you do not have a small group of guys that you can talk to and trust in about life you need it.  Start working on building those relationships.  Do you need help getting started? Do you have questions about what Shield Lock really is or the benefits?  Feel free to reach out to Swing State, Ramrod, me or any MQ.  We will get you hooked up!  Here is info from the website https://f3lakenorman.com/jerky/get-yoked
  • Incredible to see 28 PAX come out for this unique competition
  • Having to rework the plan upon arrival at the AO was nerve racking but also helped to keep the whole thing in perspective.  This is just meant to be fun and provide the guys a good workout.  Ramrod and I did just that!
  • I loved the idea of Tug-O-War!!  I am glad I only ended up with sand in my shoes rather than other places like the Bronze Medal winners!
  • Humbled to win the vote today.  Tons of respect to Ramrod for the work he put into the workout today and for all the things he does to support F3 Lake Norman.

Thank you

Jimmy O
