Q vs. Q – Round 1 at The Foundry

16 PAX today on a beautiful morning at The Foundry, for what was the first matchup in the 2019 LKN Q vs. Q tournament.

To the best of my memory, here is what went down:

0500: Turncoat and YHC for a run Standard of ~2.4 miles. We noted it was the SEVENTH straight day that we've either worked out together, had lunch, beers, or some combination of all that.  It has been a great streak…the "Turn Brothers" are indeed back.

0530: Scrappy rolls in with music blaring and we're off!


Scrappy: 2 min as per the Q vs. Q format

  • Mosey to the top of the parking lot.
  • Disclaimer given by Scrappy.  YHC attempted to augment it to which Qbert said "Get out of my disclaimer!" lol.
  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Scrappy divided the PAX into 2 teams of 8 for later, and we also partnered up.
  • Parter helping hands x 5 each hand.  Flip flop.

Turnpike – 10 minutes

Find your partner.  Scrappy and YHC did not coordinate before hand, but it sure seemed like we did!  It was seemless. Grab 1 cinder block per team.

  • Partner 1: Pushes block to end of lot and back
  • Partner 2: Knee-ups on pull up bars AMRAP (but at least 20 reps)
  • Flip Flop.
  • Wheelbarrow walk, pushing the block in front of us. (this caused a few complaints)
  • Switch half way.
  • Partner 1: Zamporini carry the block the width of the parking lot
  • Partner 2: Bear crawls next to partner.  Somone commented that Rooter looked more like a horse because he was movin!
  • Flip Flop.
  • Partner 1: Front shoulder press x 10 IC
  • Partner 2: Mericans x 10 IC (all in cadence together)
  • Flip Flop.
  • Think we did some slow deep squats here?  Or maybe it was later.  About 15 IC reps.

Scrappy – 10 minutes

  • Find your team from before.  Goals were made using cinder blocks for…soccer!
  • Goals scored inflicted 5 Burpees on the other team, 5 Mericans for the scoring team.
  • 5 Mericans for all whenever the ball went out of bounds.
  • Everyone looked pretty awesome at soccer, not going to lie.  Rooter's natural instinct is to play goalie.  Caboose and Bunyan can kick the ball about 75 yards each.  Scrappy and Hasselhoff are ball handling pros.  I suspect Qbert was hoping to tackle someone.  Turncoat had neither a colorful shirt nor a black shirt (that's how the teams were divided) and played with the colorful shirt team despite his being grayish.  He took some ribbing from the black shirt team ("that's why he's Turncoat" they said), and eventually just decided to go shirtless to solve the controversy.  Good times.

Turnpike – 10 minutes

Find your partner again.  Everyone grab 2 bricks from Turncoat’s car.

  • Partner 1:  Elbow plank and Partner 2 gently places all 4 bricks on Partner 1’s back.  (Forcing good, stable form)
  • Partner 2: Runs around 1 island and back.
  • Flip flop.
  • Repeato, but this time the runner carries 2 of the 4 bricks and places the other 2 on partner’s back.
  • Flip flop.
  • Everyone:
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans with bricks x 10 IC
  • Low flutters with bricks overhead x 25 IC
  • 2 Sprints until time is up

Scrappy – 10 minutes

  • Scrappy at this point had a wig to represent awesomeness in the form of 80s hair bands
  • We played a round of "Scrappy Says" with the penalty being a Burpee for every misstep
  • Found our teams again for a round of "Name the song".  Caboose, Vinegar Bend, and somehow Rooter dominated this portion even though Rooter is not a child of the 80s like most of the rest of us.

Turnpike – 3 minutes

  • Put the cinder blocks away
  • Mosey and circle up for a quick Mary.
  • Crunchy frog x 10 IC
  • Man maker elbow plank x 10 IC

Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 1.36 miles although some of the quicker soccer players probably got even more than that.


  1. See also, above.  Lots of great banter today!
  2. T-Claps to Scrappy for several original ideas today.  He was also kind enough to let YHC go first today.  Additionally, he didn't try anything tricky like run us off campus to throw YHC off!
  3. But…PAX take heed…there are some in the Q vs. Q tournament that may resort to such strategies.  Anything goes in Q vs. Q !
  4. There were 31 PAX at The General today!  And healthy turnouts at Odyssey and The Cauldron.  Point is, LKN went to work today and that's a great thing.  T-Claps to Turncoat for putting Q vs. Q together so quickly.  YHC encourages PAX to get out and see as many of the remaining matchups as possible.  Believe there are FOUR scheduled for Tuesday at the following AO Names: PAINinsula, Gladiator, Blender, and Viking. Then Wednesday at Mad Scientist, Thursday at Wilderness.  Comment below if mistaken.  And 1 of the 8 Round 1 matchups is still location TBD.


Scrappy and Turnpike