Q was 4 minutes late, sorry y’all

Event Date

Jul 24, 2023

FNG-1 is going forward, to be known as Gatsby.

The Q was late this morning 😔. Sorry y’all

Hat Trick mentioned that we were joined by Mika Fitzgerald, a friend of Hat Trick’s son, whom he coached in baseball.

Mosey around the inner parking lot loop.

Warm O Roma: slow windmill IC X 10, carrot puller IC X 10, chin to knee for 5 count hold, flip flop, Toy Soldiers IC X 15.

Grab bells and head to side of the school with mobile trailers. Allen Iverson lunge walk, the around the world, flop.


The Thang: Right arm lawnmower X 10 count, flip flop then walk a couple steps, upright row X 10 count, then walk a couple steps, full curls X 10 count, then walk a couple steps, low curls X 10 count followed by high curls X 10 count, then walk a couple steps, overhead press X 10 count, then walk a couple steps, skull crushers X 10 count, bells down.

Mosey to back of school and lunges up the sidewalk, flip flop to stationary backwards lunges alternating legs.

Inclined Mericans X 10 count, dips X 10 count, inclined Mericans slow IC down on 3 X 10, dips X 10 count.

Mosey back to bells. Repeato of the Thang ☝️.

Mosey to the playground for picnic table for: dips X 10, step ups OYO X 10 each leg. Repeato after pull ups 👇.

Pull ups or Australian pull ups OYO X 10, repeato.

Find some sidewalk and on your six: LBCs IC X 15, low flutter IC X 10, pretzel crunch IC X 10 each leg, Freddie Mercury IC X 10.

Return to bells: Allen Iverson lunge walk, around the world

Find some curb: Mohammed Ali IC X 15

Mosey to start: upright row until burnt

Recover, Recover

No Announcements

Naming of FNG-1. Mika let us know that he is in training to be a firefighter 💪. Congratulations young man!!!

No Prayers requested, but keeping Blackbeard in thoughts and prayers as he recovers