Not in Pax listed above. LD
17 of us decided to get our butts out of bed this AM and face the Gloom today. A perfect morning weather-wise, but not so perfect for YHC coming off of a weekend of brewery tours in Asheville. A little extra Mary today to prevent the Merlot (or IPAs) from splashing. Here's what da boys did today…
- SSH X 50IC (wasn't planning on this many but it's Davidson so there were some late comers to YHC added 30 SSH IC while we waited.
- Mosey to DUMC
- Cotton Pickers X 20IC
- Peter Parkers X 10IC (hold plank when done)
- Parker Peters X 10IC (hold plank when done)
- Slow Mericans X I lost count. Down slow, 1, 2, 3, and up…did that about 10 times or so. #itsucked
The Thang
- 10 Burpees
- One Lap around Dale House block
- 15 Burpees
- One lap around Dale House block
- Grab Paver
- Low Flutter X 25IC
- Big Baby Crunch (so much better than LBCs BTW!) X 25 IC
- Paver / Sprint / One Legged Burpee
- Chest Press with Paver (while doing flutter kicks) X 15IC
- Curls X 20IC
- Sprint to end of lot to garbage cans
- One legged Burpees X 5 right leg (never touching left leg to ground)
- Mosey back
- One legged Burpees X 5 left leg
- Skull Crushers X 15IC
- Sprint to end of lot to garbage cans
- Burpees X 5 OYO
- Mosey back to rocks
- Rock Swings X 20 OYO
- Curls X 15IC
- Had to audible because the stairs were in use by Pain Lab guys so had to go with plan B, which was worse (pain wise) than Plan A. You can blame the Pain Lab.
- Mosey to back of Summit Coffee
- 6 Pax per Picnic Table
- Shoulder Presses (I like to call the Rocking Boat – cause by the time you get to 20IC, that thing is rocking!) X 20IC
- Mosey to elevated wall next to Summit
- Box Jumps X 10 OYO
- Incline Mericans X 10IC
- Step Ups X 10 each leg OYO
- Dericans X 10IC #this sucked
- Air Squats X 30IC
- Mosey back to Green
- Mary X 5 minutes with 5 burpees to boot OYO
- Recover Recover
- At 0528 there were like 5 Pax on the Green, then I remembered, this is Davidson…we roll in right on time here in TPR.
- The numbers would have been a perfect 18 if Creeper woudln't have set his alarm for 0548 vs. 0448. Oops! No worries, you can take Da Q for me now next week Monday…not sure the Pax want me back anyway.
- YHC did a brewery tour this weekend, which is highly recommended if you like craft beers, in Asheville…so I was a bit nervous about this morning myself! Would recommend not Q'ing a Monday after a tour though…however, it's EXACTLY what i needed to rid my body of the toxins.
- With so many options in Davidson, it's hard to come up with a good workout…there is truly so much to choose from. I love it here more and more each week! As I prep for my Q at The Dragonslayer on Thursday this week, I felt like i selfishly needed some Paver work today to get the muscles warmed up for KBs on Thursday.
- Introduced the Pax to the Picnic Table presses today, of which Pierogi introduced me to many months ago at The Mighty Oak. Still one of my favorites for sure. It's all about supporting your team during this one…as guys starting tuckering out!
- Devo had some back pain today so felt bad about doing some not so friendly back exercises today! #coreworkiscrucial Thanks again to Devo for all the coordination you put into Davidson's AOs!
- Tater felt YHC should have toured more breweries this weekend once we had gone through a round of 25 burpees to get the party started today.
- Nice job by all today! Blessed to lead a group of men like you and I look forward to more Q's in the future!
- Prayers for Crude and the Boy Scouts that he's leading through this beautiful country!
- Continued prayers for Olive and Family.
- And as I stated in COT – sometimes we get off track in life, and we not only need to lean on God to get us back on track, but we need to lean on each other as well. This world can be a dark place, so let's help each other find the light! And remember, just because yesterday was "Father's Day", the reality is…everyday is Father's Day. Let's all do the best we can to be the best Fathers and Husbands one can be. A little extra effort goes a long ways (surprise her with flowers this week, get her a gift card to the salon, order her favorite dinner this week, clean the toilets and vacuum….whatever you think will make her think…"dang, that's awesome..thanks!)