
Event Date

Mar 31, 2016



10IC Jacked Mountain Climbers (Plank in the down merkin position with Peter Parker leg motions)



Long hill run (Skipper audile’s to backwards run)


MetroDog beta test

Australian Rows first 5 hold at top for a 5 count then 5IC

2 minutes of GI Jane

Block curl first 5 clench bicep at top for a 5 count then 5IC

Yes, it was a fun as expected


Grab blocks for wooly worm rotation

Round 1 Wooly worms and block curl

Round 2 Wooly worms and block press

Hill run (Skipper again audile’s to backwards run)

Round 3 Wooly worm from the other side (facing up) and block skull crusher

Round 4 Wooly worm from the other side (facing up) and block exercise of choice


Return blocks and Meat Grinder


4 Station Meat grinder (down one)


Step ups

Australian Rows

Decline merkin


Hill run with monkey humpers at the top of the hill


6+ MoM

Box Cutter

Low Flutter

Peter Parker (pollen death trap)

Freddy Mercury

Hills to Heaven (Skipper can explain…we’ll see it again soon)

Puddle’s pick (failure on my part, still sucking wind from the flu)

Mason Twist



Skipper provided the reflection- more form him.

As we face the struggles in life God seems to always give us the inspiration need to overcome them.



Who has Q today? QAWOL! At 5:30 it was go time so the PAX cranked up with SSH.

I was a little surprised that all Lightbulb type ideas were incorporated.

There are likely things I left out, feel free to add corrections/additions in the comments.

Puddle – since there was no Q, I thought we’d just go to Bojangles and say we worked hard.