Qless at Go Time

12  11 men meet this foggy Devember morning to become stronger. Theuss, Mulligan, Abrams, and Clubber got in some pre-post miles. *Disclaimer – this entire bb is from memory, at go time our Q had kumquat and left 11 men standing dazed and confused. 

Never fear, we began with a round robin Mary, and then each PAX took the Q role. YHC is simply taking care of the #bb and communication. If anything is missed please comment. Additionally, I attempted to put everyone is as the Q; however, it is limited to the number of PAX. Do know, all posting HIM led a portion of this morning.


Clubber – SSH 20 IC, Mtn. Climbers 20 IC

C# – IST 10 IC, Cotton Pickers 10 IC

Abrams – Merkins 10 IC, hold plank (felt like 1 min)

Dandelion – Plank Jacks 20 IC

Mulligan – Burpees 10 OYO

Theuss – Arm circles

Double Check – Dips

Tipper – My mind is gone (help me remember)

Dutch – Monkey humpers

Hefty – Ascending bear crawls with derkins at the curbs

Jeeves – V ups 10 IC

The Thang

Clubber's call – two line Indian Run with lead carrying KB, why bring them if you're not going to use them. Around parking lot, flag pole, back to Launch Pad.

C# – Crawl Bear up LP steps two times!

Abrams – Mosey to down under bar, complete down unders IC while alternating one hand, to two, to one. 10 IC

Dandelion – 50 IC SSH (really!)

Double Check – Mosey to parking lot, complete suicides, line one merkins 10, line two dips 10, line three LBC 10

Tipper – Mosey to pull up bar, each PAX 10 OYO pull ups

Mulligan – Mosey to rock pile, grab a rock IC 10 curls, rotate one right, IC 10 Trifecta

Dutch – Run to wall, scale it, head to loading docks OYO 10 jump ups, run to wall at bus lot 10 OYO dips, head back to Launch Pad


Hefty – WWI sit ups IC 10


personal reflection by Dutch who also led us in prayer


Most chatter was directed at our MIA Q @Ziplock. Something was mentioned about Skipper not making past the warm-up, and many other comments (not directed at SVU, just Skipper). Several barking spiders this am. Looking forward to the comments. 

TClaps to everyone this morning, it was nice to have all 11 Q. Hey Zippy #ShowToKnow.
