
Event Date

Jun 06, 2024

Originally to be led by Mr. Holland, but left open due to “needing beauty rest” (whatever that means), YHC took the reins at Dragon Slayer. We were joined by a young FNG who heard about the workouts from a baseball buddy. We circled up, disclaimer was given, and then workout commenced.



  • SSH x 30 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 15 IC
  • Slow Squat x 10 IC

Slow mosey while the Q explains the Thang.

The Thang


  • Jump Squats x 15 OYO

Run a lap

  • Sumo Deadlift x 20 OYO

Run a lap

  • WWII sit ups x 20 OYO

Run a lap

  • Goblet Squats x 20 OYO

Run a lap

  • Lunges x 20 OYO 


Complete 3 rounds.



  • Low flutter x 20 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Plank hold x 60 seconds

Recover. Recover.


  • Holy moly was it humid this morning. Truly awful stuff. Why do we complain about working out in the cold again?
  • Our FNG was 17 year-old Elliot who heard about F3 from the son of an F3er (plays travel baseball in Stewards of the Game if anyone can point us to the father of the EHer). He got exactly what he needed this morning with a leg day he thought he could skip this week. Be on the lookout for Elliot as he’ll be joining us this summer to keep his fitness up.
  • Jobe somehow gets bigger AND faster. What a freak.
  • Shadow was moving this morning and LOVES Dragon Slayer, the hardest AO in all of Isotope.


Appreciate the group coming out this morning. It wasn’t easy, but we all got stronger. Until next time -CB