Not included in the pax list (great to have so many new guys out recently!):

Hangman, Deadhead, SubPrime

17 in the pax list over 50, including 1 over 60, 1 over 70.  You men have all been and will continue to be an inspiration to me.

After YHC signed up for 3 different AOs a couple months back, it was determined we would tri-verge those 3 AOs at Mighty Jungle.  Then last night YHC saw Toby tweet out that Hollywood would also converge.  That's a quad-vergence!  

YHC arrived about 0435 to hang posterboards, place cones, pull out every cinder block from behind the wall and whip out my big, long, thick, black… rope.  Saw a couple pax roll in along the way, and by the time YHC was set up it was 0455 and there were about 8-10 pax ready to run the standard.  They were given the choice of a half or full standard and informed we'd be running a "bonesaw" of sorts.  Down the hill to the traffic circle, then up to St Mark, then back down and back up.  Onc bonesaw ended up being right at 1.5 miles.  About half of us completed that then joined Gambini for the Core Standard while the other half kept running and would realize that despite not taking another bonesaw on, they would not avoid more hills.  That was a full standard of up and down hills – no hiding.

As 0530 approached, more and more headlights, and more and more joined in on the core standard fun.  Feel the burn…  About 10 of us were there for the full core standard, but by 0525 there had to be 30 participating.  Not including Titan, who was just moseying around us like a bug.

In the end, 54 would post for the Mighty Oak convergence, but add about another 6ish for an OTB run and Titan who only came to run the Standard, harass us all and wish YHC a happy bday, but had to leave at 0530.  Thanks for that, Ti-TAN.

So with 54 and now a full parking lot of cars to run around, YHC would kick it off, forget to do a warm-o-rama then combine the AOs of the convergence.  Here's kinda how that went:

0500 Standard for 15 mins. Pax can choose 13 or 25 min standard. Drop off short standard at Grand Oak for Core Standard led by Gambini at 0515. Other guys can keep running. 




Disclaimer: not a professional, I haven’t earned your respect but I appreciate and am humbled by your respect on this, my 50th bday. 

Congratulations to ALL the pax who have participated in the #50ForFitness Challenge. Today is day 243!


Workout broken into thirds for each of the AOs YHC signed up for today. 


Warmorama – oops forgot this part!


Ludicrous Speed:


Mosey around the school for a warmup lap


Parking lot:  4 cones set up for 4 Corners (approx 0.20 miles per lap):

Sprint the long sides, recover short sides. 

4 laps! (Or until 5:43 – I think we got more than 4 in… BOOM!)

Mosey to blocks and bells. Nice work by so many pax who brought just enough bells for all to get the full workout!


Mighty Oak:

Partner up. Review of the 

 #50ForFitness Challenge.  You and your partner try to complete it before 0600.


When you finish, mosey over to MWAR. Take turns. Most of you should know what to do. YHC was told about 6 or so got to enjoy playing with the big, long, thick, black… rope.

In the end, it appeared as though all pax were able to complete the #50ForFitness challenge on the boards.  WOW.  T-Claps.


Stretch Armstrong: 

A series of stretches til recover-recover, but not before we would "Bring it on down to Pigeon-Town".  To the praise and applause of a few very appreciative pax.


50 years of Moleskine:

This BB is long enough, so I'll let the pax add notes.  But I'll say I enjoyed the Ludicrous portion as I was able to catch up and chat with so many pax on the recover portions.


Had quite a few comments from the pax that they enjoyed the variety this AM.  I did too.  So keep that in mind when you Q – mix it up and offer a little of everything.  And branch out to try other AOs – running AOs, bootcamps if you're "just a runner" and stretch/yoga.  My goal was to introduce these AOs and the variety to new pax and to pax who hadn't tried the other AOs yet.  I think mission accomplished.


I was truly humbled by ~60 pax starting their day off with me today.  I was up at 0400 to get ready, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


That's it.  Drop some comments.  For now, The Force is OUT.  T-Claps to all the pax.

