I was told that 14 Pax ran the standard, but as YHC was still in the fartsack at that point I cannot officially confirm the number.


Mosey around parking lot – high knees, butt kickers, karaoke

20 SSHs IC, 17 Windmills IC, 12 Toy soldiers IC, 10 Imperial Storm Troopers IC**

**This count may not be entirely accurate as YHC was overwhelmed by my VQness and cadence at this point.

Quick mosey to pull up bars



Partner Up

5 Pullups Each

Run up hill to parking lot

Partner 1:

Quadrafilia 100yds

20 merkins

Sprint 100yds back

Partner 2:

30 squats

10 burpees

Partner 1 and 2 switch

Repeato x 5

At this point, YHC wasn't sure how those who ran the Standard were holding up and needed to catch my own breath. Recover and regroup. To my surprise, however, the Pax silently raised their hand to ask for more by planking. Fair enough.

Repeato x 5

The total count: 50 pullups, 100 burpees, 200 pushups, 300 squats, 10 hills, 1,000 yds quadrafilia and 1,000 yds sprint

Hustle mosey back to parking lot for Mary, which consisted of one minute of Superman. Recover Recover



– 2 FNG's today, Chris and Tom. It was Tom's second post, and he earned the name MySpace due to his distaste for social media. He will probably never see this. And start posting in Davidson.

– Thanks to MQ Ramrod (aka the FNG whisperer) for consistently inviting me to post and helping me discover the thing that is F3. Also, thanks for the opportunity to VQ at The Mighty Oak. Fitting.

– Thanks to Two Buck and Mr Burns for welcoming me into the Pax and Burns for getting me on the calendar for my VQ 

– Thanks to DryRub and Binary for the initial EH’ing. It took all of about 30 minutes after moving into the neighborhood for me to hear about F3. Binary, thanks for posting today and heal up Dry Rub, we missed you.

– Thanks to the rest of the CC for keeping me in the loop and continuing to invite me to post with you guys. It was awesome to have so many of you there today. 

– Thanks to The Sweat Shop and Davidson as a whole for the many workouts and helping whip me into shape. I may not post as often since the move, but the Village Green still feels like home.

– Thanks to the many #beasts who have pushed me during the workouts. I will refrain from naming names, but if you have ever Q'd a workout I was in or sprinted ahead of me, this is to you.

– Lastly, thanks to the many members of the Pax who have welcomed me and taken the time to talk to me – about F3, work, faith, and life in general. If you have ever introduced yourself, had a conversation with me, or offered to help – your support has greatly helped my transition down here. 

The number of thank you's I just listed, while still feeling like it was not enough and that I was leaving people out is a testament to how special F3 is and what a difference it has made for me. One lesson I learned today was how important the 2nd F is during the workout. It was so encouraging to see all of you guys this morning. After the workout it kinda felt the same as it does after your wedding. No, not in that way (man, even Mr Burns could have hit that softball…subtle plug for the game this Sunday). What I am referring to is the part where all the guests come and you barely get to see them- it kinda flew by and I was mainly focused on the 1st F, but when I left, I wished I had left a bit more room for the 2nd F during the workout. I can now see what all the 2nd F events are for in a way I couldn't before. That's the most important part of the workout, the connecting and the relationships developed in the process. That's how God made us. And just as the 1st F leads to the 2nd F, so the 2nd F points us to the 3rd F. The 2nd F effortlessly reveals the importance of the 3rd F, our relationship with Him. No amount of 1st F can fill the need for 2nd F. No amount of 2nd F can fill the need for 3rd F. Only God can fill that missing piece in our hearts- that hurt, that loneliness, that pain, that longing to be loved unconditionally. He longs to and He will, if we ask Him.

Excited to see you guys in the gloom, which is no longer so gloomy.

-Swing State