Quads and Calves Oh My!

Event Date

Jul 07, 2016






Lunge walk across parking lot, MB

Tippy toe lunge walk, MB


The Thang:

Merkin/Squat pyramid:  1/2/3/4/5/6/7 (1 merkin, 1 squat on 1 leg;  2 merkin, 2 squats on 1 leg;   up to 7, then repear with other leg)

Mosey to back playground, partner up

60 Hanging toe touches total with partner

60 seconds Hot Foot

10IC CCR forward, 10IC toes out, 10IC toes in

MB back to small hill:

Backwards run up hill, 10 squats at top, declining by 2 each time up;  partner holds peoples chair




30 sec superman

10IC LHD right

15IC Low flutter

30 sec American Hammer


John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in Him, He will bear much fruit, but apart from me, you can do nothing.”

There are things we can accomplish only by submitting to the will of God, being aware of what He is doing around us, recognizing the opportunities to help.   I know I personally have stayed too busy most of the time to hear God's will, and definitely have not remained flexible enough to drop whatever is on my agenda to jump into something God is doing.  One of my goals moving forward and challenge to all, is to build time in for quiet time to study and listen for God's will, and build in some flexibility to react when it is apparent God is at work around us.


1.  Great effort guys today

2.  We were blessed by a rainbow, though no rain in sight.  Love that southern humidity.

3.  Calves are still sorte

4.  Dandelion's face before the last backwards hill run said it all. 

5.  Safe travels to whom ever is out of town.

6.  Felt good to get back in the rotation.   Appreciate the opportunity to lead.