Quality over Quantity in the Autumn Cold

Event Date

Oct 09, 2023

Hoping for a surprise appearance from Cobra Kai, unfortunately didn’t happen. 😭

Sorry to Stromboli, who showed at MMM looking forward to a Cobra Kai Q, but was disappointed when I informed him that I was Qing 😞.

Primo showed prior to 5 am for his own ‘standard’ workout. What a dedicated PAX/Father (taking his 2.0 to a very early morning swim practice 👍)

4 PAX showed for the kettlebells this AM.

It went something like this:

Mosey 1 lap around interior of parking lot.

Warm O Roma: SSH IC X 15, Slow Windmill IC X 10, carrot pullers IC X 10, Toy Soldiers IC X 10

The Thang:

Starting at a parking space line, do 1 exercise, move to next parking space line, do next exercise, etc. across 5 parking spaces lines, then do same 5 exercises in reverse order. After all 10 exercises are done, then run backwards from starting point to parked cars and back; repeat for several rounds.

1st round: Upright rows X 10 by count, lawn mowers X 10 count separately each arm, curls X 10 count, skull crushers X 10 count 

2nd round: KB swing X 10 OYO, lawn mowers X 10 count separately each arm, low curls X 10 count, high curls X 10 count. decrease count to 5 on reverse order 

3rd round legs: slow cadence KB squat X 10, reverse lunge each leg separately X 10 count, goblin squat X 10 count, KB squat X 10 count. reverse (Q forgot the slow cadence squat)

4th round core: on your 6 – chest/shoulder press (w/ option of low flutter) X 10 by count, reverse KB hang X 10 count, repeato. KB full crunch X 10 count KB American hammer X 10 count, repeato. Windshield wipers 

5th round: KB slow count squats X 10, KB swing X 10 OYO, lawnmower mowers X 10 count separately each arm, skull crushers X 10 count, reverse but drop KB count to 5.

Recover, Recover 

All PAX definitely made full use of their KBs this POST. PAX were complimenting the Q, much appreciated 👍.

Announcements: recap discussion of this weekend events which were Take That Hill benefitting Purple Heart Homes and the convergence for Pipe Dream’s son Zac in F3 Davidson.

Prayers: Pipe Dream’s son Zac for surgery tomorrow.

PAX Travolta informed us about his return trip from Sin City. Impressive to see him POST after time spent in Vegas. What a Hard Charger. But when “You play hard, You work hard” as well.

Coffeeteria at Birkdale Starbucks turnout was good with PAX from Berean and Arnie’s. A late appearance from Amen from Gladiator.