Quarry 5K

Event Date

Jan 12, 2016

3 of the Quarry's finest appeared in the gloom for a bit of mileage.

  • 1 Mile Run
  • 20 LBCs
  • 1/2 Mile Run
  • 15 Mericans IC
  • 1/4 Mile Run
  • 10 Burpees
  • 1/4 Mile Run
  • 15 Mericans IC
  • 1/2 Mile Run
  • 20 LBCs
  • 1 Mile Run

Mary: Mason Twists, WWII Situps, Low Flutter

Moleskine: Great start for the day!  We did the last few runs as no-man-left-behind laps, which was not a problem with the crew this AM.  Who would have thought of doing a 5K+ before breakfast?