Quarter Mile Crawl vs. 6 Mile Run, Your Choice

25°, 80% Humidity, Wind @ 1 mph. It may have been cloudy, I couldn't tell. Heister and TinMan were also in attendance.  

Half the PAX did a 6 mile run aroud town. 

Below is what the half did:

Disclaimer, FNG Check, 15 SSHs, and mosey to The College track.  All the standard TPR things. 

The rest may not have been standard at all

Line up on the track at the 50 yard line,

  1. Bear Crawl to the turn
    • 20 WWIIs
  2. Bear Crawl to the center of the turn
    • 80 Overhead Claps
  3. Broad Jump Burpee to the straightaway
    • 30 Mericans
  4. Broad Jump Burpee to the 50 yard line
    • 40 Monkee Humpers
  5. Bear Crawl to the turn
    • 40 Air Squats
  6. Bear Crawl to the center of the turn
    • 10 Deep Jump Squats
  7. Broad Jump Burpee to the straightaway
    • 100 Seal claps
  8. Bear Crawl to the 50 yard line
    • 8 8-Count Body Builders

Mosey back to the Green, join the running crew for Mary, which today included:

Sprint to the sidewalk and mosey back

Broad Jump Burpee to the sidewalk and mosey back

Bear Crawl to the sidewalk and mosey back

20 T-Bones


Great to workout with some new faces.  Some of you I met at the Christmas party last weekend, and some of you I just met for the first time today.  Thanks for welcoming me into your little hamlet.  

Lots of Respect in this PAX group today, but none wiser than war daddy Spanarkle. Great work today.

I've got the Q next Tuesday evening on the Green.  So if you like the idea of doing something like this workout again, plan on being there the 27th at 7PM.  #earlyPB

It was an honor an pleasure to sub in for Pusher this mornning.  Hope you heal up quick, but I'm glad I could fill in when needed. 

Keep EH'ing your FNGs.  We all understand the gift that is F3, and its one that shouldn't be kept to ourselves.  Don't be a hoarder, give it away.