Que Hora es?

Event Date

Feb 11, 2019


Let's go


Love yourself stretch

22 Merkins OYO

Toy Soldiers (IC) x 10

Stretch High/Stretch Low

Hillbillies (IC) x 10

Low Planks (IC) x 10

Mosey down to the block pile to grab a block and reconviene at the front of the gym.


PAX are instructed we would be doing 1, 2, and 3 minute run intervals with a 1 minute AMRAP pain station in betwixt each one back at the gym. A whistle will be blown at the half way point of each interval to give you an idea of time remaining.

1 minute run

1 minute Skull Crushers

2 minute run

1 minute Squats

3 minute run

1 minute Block raise flutter kicks

1 minute run

1 minute Curls

2 minute run

1 minute toe raises…corrected to calf raises

3 minute run

"1 minute" plank

1 minute run

1 minute Block press

2 minute run…to which someone was late and remarked "that wasn't 3 minutes." Yes you're correct sir, it was 2.

1 minute alternating lunges

3 minute run…includes returning your block and making your way back to the launchpad


1 minute plank with left hand arm circles

1 minute plank with right hand arm circles

plank shoulder taps (IC) x 10


1 John 3:18

"Little children, let us not love in word and talk, but in deed and truth."

YHC has heard from many that they never heard their father tell them they loved them. There was no question in my household as my father made it evident in both word and action. The first part is easy, but would they still know if you never told them. Last year's focus was removing anger from our interactions, and this year is to focus on kindness. With kids getting older and the "no's" from them being more regular, it is sometime hard to keep the love unconditional. YHC asked the PAX for prayers to do so.

Count-a-rama…Q fail

Name-a-rama…Q fail

Pray out


-Apparently YHC's watch was off and he was advised on this multiple times this morning. Mulligan even started doing SSH's on his own before the disclaimer. Glad he didn't get hurt.

-The PAX had trouble distinguishing between the front and the back of the gym.

– The circle grew a few times during the AMRAP exercises and panic ensued during the "wind" gusts.

-Not a big fan of the whistle as it seemed like a drill event or practice. The PAX suggested an airhorn next time so we'll give that a try.

-Marker tried to sway the Q to find cover by parking in front of the gym. Maybe it worked a little.

-So much soreness from Saturday's tug of war workout courtesy brother Clubber, but the muscles Clark were describing just didn't add up.

-FNG-1 is Mario and the PAX made sure to show him how to sign up this monring. One last step in joing the cult club. The 3 minute run protions were clearly his favorite this morning.

-Mater just decided to follow the Q on the runs to keep an eye on the time. We kept going faster and he stayed right there. Dude's simply got strong!

-Diesel commits to finally Q again. Someone help him with the calendar.

-Speaking of calendar, see below for upcoming events.

Polar Bear (Feb. 23rd)—See 9 lives, and be sure to grab one of the sweet beanies

Denver AO2AO ruck (April 5th)—this is a 2nd F based event where we ruck from our Mustang AO up to SVU (13.1 miles) and have some fun along the way. Plenty of first timers and you choose your weight. No cost but we typically do some sort of charity tie in if led to give.

-Pleasure to lead and be led by this group.
