Quero Fish Tacos!

Event Date

Feb 20, 2018


I'm writing this backblast because it happened and BB told me there's OTB ( Off The Book ) on website F3LKN.

5 men for foggy morning at 53 degrees around Huntersville Business park.

at 457am SweetC and Blackbeard already stretching out so YHC jump right in, The Count & TBone was coming in hot.

3 miles, Blackbeard decided to go around the hospital parking lot.  there you go 4miles in total done by 615am.

pax's watch say 16, 16:30, maybe 15:80 pace. There's only one matter, We moved, We burned calories. #Nofartsack

This is a regular RUCK (backpack with any weight), we stayed as a group, no matter what your pace. Do we feel better? You bet!

TClaps to TBone for joining us.

TBone ask " Are you going to annouce official regular ruck on Tuesday? YHC point to " Blackbeard what you say? you know what they say " If you build it, He will come"

SweetC went fishing yesterday and he let go the fish. really? We could have fish tacos for lunch today. just saying.

The Count was quiet this morning.

Stay tune for my Twitter preblast Q at The General this Friday 2/23/18. maybe 3 miles ruck standard before bootcamp.

Great work gentlemen.
