Question of the Morning: Who Q’d PAINinsula

Event Date

Jun 25, 2024


YHC, Thug and Hippie were chatting in the parking lot before the workout about Jersey Boy Q’ing PAINinsula this AM and moments later saw JB coming in hot in his RAV4 hybrid. Houston we have a problem. JB muttered a few choice words when he realized he had signed up to Q PAINinsula – no worries as we knew someone would step up to lead and that ended up being Moby Dick. No worries JB – someone always has your back brother and glad you joined us this morning!

PAX performed healthy doses of rock work including curls, presses, rows and skull crusher. 

A descending ladder (10, 8, 6, 4, 2) of squats, merkins and curb dips. At the end of the 3 exercises, PAX would do a lap around the far parking lot adjacent to the soccer field. Moses, Chilly, Hippie, Thug were especially fast throughout the circuit. 

Blackbeard is looking especially svelt and nimble and seems to be on a fitness mission after a long battle last year with his back! Great work BB. 

BagBoy keeps grinding despite sciatica issues and has been hitting the pool quite a bit!

Jersey Boy modeling fortitude despite a significant injury and continues to show his dedication by simply showing up and modifying as needed. Keep grinding JB!

prayers offered up for Chilly’s family as his M’s grandmother recently passed away. 

Prayers for Bagboys M as she was apparently distraught after seeing their cat bring in a mouse at their residence. 

moses reminded us about the  Run White and Blue event coming up on 7/4 in Huntersville 

thanks gents for coming out this AM!

humbly in Christ 

