Questions of the Day

We gathered for “birthday fun” and The Force kicked us off with 55 SSHs which drew immediate complains re: YHC new age.  Happy to say that I really don’t feel that old (on most days), but 55 SSHs did seem like a lot of SSHs.  We finished warm-o-rama with:

Windmills x 10

IST x 12

Toy Soldiers x 12

We then Zamperinied over to the parking deck for the main event.

After exposing YHC’s two-page Weinke, a prize was offered to the first pax to identify a song title that I had in mind. YHC planned to provide hints and ask related trivia questions throughout the workout until one astute pax would finally guess the correct title.  20 points towards the most coveted prize in all of F3 Nation was on the line (more of that later).  Took Blackbeard 1.5 seconds to guess the song “I can’t Drive 55”, obviously he was still been bitter about the 55 SSHs.

We went forward with trivia questions anyway – if the pax got the question correct we did 5 reps in cadence of 5 KBs exercises (Swings, Curls, Presses, Skull Crushers, and L & R Lawn Mowers), wrong answer and we did 15 reps. 

First question – Who is known as the Red Rocker?  Believe Ultraman was first with the correct answer Sammy Hager, awesome, we did our 5 reps and walked up to ramp to the next level

Second question – What year was Sammy Hagar born – 1947, 54, or 57?  Pax wavered on this one, answer is 47, so we did 15 reps and walked up to ramp to the next level (note to self – give pax hints as 15 reps in cadence sucked)

Third question – What year did “I Can’t Drive 55” came out – pax got this right, answer is 1984, we did our 5 reps and walked up the ramp to the next level  

Forth question – What were the years Sammy Hagar was in Van Halen (first time) – pax got this right, answer is 1985-1996, we did our 5 reps and walked up the ramp to the next level.  FYI – second stint in VH was 2003-2005. 

Fifth question – Lyrics of “I Can’t drive 55” refer to Sammy signing his ticket – “I signed my name on number x”, Top Gun nailed this one with the correct answer of 24, we did our 5 reps and took the stairs down a level. 

Sixth question – Was Sammy Hagar in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – pax got this right, answer is “yes”, we did our 5 reps – Sammy is in the R&R Hall of Fame as a member of VH, Lawn Dart correctly pointed out that this question could be answered either way since Sammy is not in as a solo act.  Believe this was our final question before Mary with a Rope.

Highlight of MWAR was the pax singing “Happy Birthday” – which I must say was a great honor esp. since it sounded like the pax was singing after a long night of drinking just before last call.

Most anticipated question – Who won the monthly Cauldron T-shirt?  As many know, winning a T-shirt at the Cauldron is one of the most sought-after prizes across all of F3 Nation.  The Complex formula used to calculate the winner is highly protected.  Some have even speculated that The Force’s phone was actually stolen, not innocently dropped into the Pacific, in an attempt to access the Complex formula.  Lucky for me – The Force reloaded the formula on his new phone, crunched the numbers, and awarded the prize to YHC.

Final question of the day was from Frogger to Sweet Caroline – “Do you want to plug your wood?”  Goes without saying, regardless of Sweet Tea’s response, pax had a number of comments and suggests re: wood.

Great to see the Cauldron regulars this week along with Jersey Boy, Over Budget, and Sweet Caroline.

Thanks The Force, appreciate the opportunity to co-Q to start my b-day off right.