Quote of the Workout: “My Dog Recently Had His Anal Glands Expressed on Thursday”

Event Date

Feb 20, 2016

Ramrod was out carryiing large logs at a 12 minute mile pace for 23 miles so he was unavailable.   Desperate times call for desperate measures so he asked me to lay the beatdown on the Saturday morning GCC crew with reckless abandon.   Here is the story of how 7 men took a beating and kept on ticking:

Warm O'Rama

  • SSH IC x18
  • Mountain Climbers IC x18
  • Hot lap around the church, plank until the six arrives
  • First run through of the Gnarly Goat stretch – Downward dog, single leg down dog, into scorpion, cobra, and/or pigeon
  • During the first cobra Omaha shared that his dog was recently relieved to have his anal glands relieved
  • Deciding that the team was ready to rock, we went to the pull up for the main event…

The Thang

Pull up forest set (done 3X) – as a group, but not in cadence

  • 5 pull-ups
  • 5 Tom Brady's – Thats a 12 step push up from plank, spider lunge both legs up (1&2), walk both hands out (3&4), Carolina Dry Dock (4&6), walk hands back in (7&8), walk legs back out (9&10), Merican (11&12)
  • 20 squats

We did another round of the Gnarly Goat stretch

To close out the set, I brought back the Tom Jones Whats New Pussy Cat, a classic 2 minute diddy where the Pax holds Al Gore, and when Tom croons "Whats new PussyCat?" we do a burpee and everytime he says the word "pussycat" we do a squat.  Once the tunes started with Whats new, we kept the tunes rolling for the remainder of the day.

The mumble chatter started fast and furious with the "Whats new Pussycat".

We then did a hot lap down to the end of the driveway and back and threw in another round of Al Gore…

A slow and careful mosey over to the rock pile for the Geek inspired Rock stack. A rock stack starts with one exercise (1) with a good challenge rock, and then walks forward a few paces with the rock overhead and adds a nexercise until you are eventually doing five exercises in a journey of about 50 yards.  We added an element of fun by doing this going UP and then down the driveway. Springfield and Firestone chose rocks worthy of Hercules and fought through.

The exercies were :

  1. Curls OYO x10 (50 total)
  2. Squats OYO x15 (105 total)
  3. 8 Count burners IC x10 (50 total)
  4. Russian Twists IC x10 (30 total)
  5. YHC audibled out of the burpee close and allowed Landline to chose the closing set.   He opted to get the heart rate pumping with a "ground zero x25 OYO"

The pattern looks like this for the exercises where the – represents carrying the rock over your head.


We did a recover walk over to the grassy knoll and did a nother round of goat stretches and shoulder stretches.  We dropped in another Tim Jones Tribute.

We moseyed back to the parking lot to close out with Mary and YHC's signature move.   Boat/Canoe to the Moby song 'Bring Sally Up" – a crowd pleasing favorite where we follow the instrcuctiosns from being in the homer (canoe) position up into the V-Up (boat) position with the lyrics.  The 'rest' option was a hip bridge and lift single legs with the music. 

Nekked Man Moleskin

  • This group of men took the beating with pride.   Everyone pushed and cajoled others to get through. 
  • Scrappy practiced his political skills by telling the Pax the lie that it was getting easier in the 3rd round. His political skills need polish as I think very few people believed him.
  • Landline, Scrappy and Springfield were in races during the hot laps.   Everyone else was content to not sprain an ankle. Springfield was even showing off with a partner carry of Scrappy on the way back to Mary.
  • The weather was perfect, the sky was beautiful and the AO was well manacured for our adventures.  It was my virgin Q at that particular AO and its a beatury with lots of surprises.
  • Firestone was a beast with the rock exercises. His rock was bogger than his head even when he audibled down to a smaller rock.
  • Junk claimed he was 'just happy to be in the game' but he finished everything with nary a complaint.   Its an honor to lead men who just keep pushing. 
  • I love a good hour long Saturday beatdown.   It gives you time for a little 2F, some stretching and a variety of routines.  The GPS said we covered 1.5 miles.  
  • Its an honor and a pleasure locking shields and taking a beatdown.   My Twitter promise was – Dancing (Check), Music (Check) and Pain (Check).   I hope y'all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed delivering it….