Warm up:

Cobra Kai

-mosey to circle up: SSH 20x, windmill 10x, wax on wax off kicks 10, another warm up exercise or 2?

The Thang:

run to firehouse, pick up rocks:  circle up,  rock mohamad ali 15x, mohamad ali with punch 15x, pass outlaw's rock and serveral others around the circle unitl they go back the correct location, then line up behind each other with 2 seperate lines of 1 and 2's, pass one rock under legs to next pax then over head to next pack, last pax run to front of line unitl both groups got to finish line in front of car/truck, 15 merkins

rock curls 10x, rock shoulde press 10x, skull crushers 10x, squats 10x


8 count burners/complex 10, walk with rocks to railing, rock skull crushers 15x, dips 15x, plank walk to end of street 10 merkins plank walk back, rock chest press with low flutter 15x, decline merkins 10x, put rocks back

mosey to small neighborhood near teeter, round 1 1's run a lap 2's squat and kick, flip flop, round 2 1's run lap again 2's squat punch, flip flip

mosey back to firehouse flag for pledge

mosey to breeze way between buildings, round 1 1's run lap while 2 step up with crane kick hold at top, flip flop, round 2 1's run lap again while 2's people chair with punch, flip flip, round 3 1's run lap while 2's wax on wax off merkins, flip flop

circle up, merking time bomb 3-2-1

mosey back to homebase

Mary: breakdancer 10x, freddy mercury  bicycle 10x, crunchy fror 10x, attempt 1 crane kick


Grenade thanks from bringing out at FNG at the fun festivies and compeition

All PAX were impressed with Cobra Kai showing up in his Brazlian Jujitsu attire

Cobra Kai named his new made up exercise wax on wax off kick

Pax were a little confused on the rock passing but all rocks eventually got back to the correct PAX

I think there may have been a little cheating on the over under rock pass indian run so both groups had to do 15 merkins 

After that Cobra Kai told PAX to return rocks and Omega said leave here for later and then Cobra Kai decided to add more rock exercises

Next up was Omega who put on his Karate Kid headband, Sudz called me the 4 ft Karate Kid when I stood up on the step so all could see and hear me!

Moses thanks for pushing Isotoner to run and staying with the 6

Thank you Cally for reminding me about the Pledge since I was too focused on my plan to beat Cobra Kai

Strom wasnt to happy when I called crunchy frog on my own but i could not pass to him on QvQ competition

Omega ended with a sad attempt a crane kick but still pulled off a Win!

Titan is next up for Omega, greating seeing all PAX out and look forward to seeing you all at next QvQ.  Coffee was on Omega after a win so make sure to take in consideration and your next QvQ vote!!!