Not on the site Darth Vader
Up first was Amen, who started a lowd whistle and then a bible verse
Mosey basketball court for som zig zag running
Circled up for J-lo and then some pidgeon
Next count off by 1's up to 4, line up in your group #, dribble around cones for a shot at the hoop
Next was a game of knock out
Mosey to the rock pile, each PAX grab a rock and circle up
rock squats 15x, jump squats 10, alt lunge with rock 10x, jump lunge 20, mason twist rock 15x, W with rock 10x, rock chest press with low flutter 15x, merkins 15x, rock shoulder press 10x, carolina dry dock 15x, low curl 7x, high curl 7x, full curl 7x, skull crsuhers 10x, dips 15x
Line up back in lines of 4, bobby hurley shuffle
Partner man maker suicides, partner freddy mercury suicides
mosey to homebase to circle up for mary:
Heels to heaven
Amen started with the basketball theme wiht blowing the coaches whistle at the start
Amen was dressed in his Kansas Jayhawks hoodie which did not help in getting Tarheel fans vote
Amen did some pidgeon early which was a crowd favorite, especially Jazzhands
Knock out game was fun but ended early
Some PAX added some additional excercies on their own while waiting in line during bball drills
Omega was dress up like Father Omega to beat Amen at his own game
Omega's rock workout was interupted by the garbage truck, did Amen coordinate that?
Omega did some Carolina Dry docks for the Tarheel fans and Bobby Hurley to say goodbye to Coach K
Omega ended with an Amen coffin and but to rest the PAX he defeated along the way: Karate Kid headband from defeating Cobra Kai, Titan hotwheels truck and Estwing Axe!
Omega ended with Proverbs 27:17 because it defines what F3 is all about! Keep introducing more PAX to F3 and continue to sharpen each other!
Great to see many Cotters out: Sweet C, Atlas Isotoner, Camanche Kid & others. Keep coming out guys, we miss you!
Amen took us out in Prayer
Thanks to Ponch for turning his lights on to let us all out of the parking lot, some PAX did get a litte scared as they thought they were getting pulled over!
Thanks to all of the QvQ participants, thanks to all of the PAX that attended the fun competition, and a special thanks to Scrappy and Popcorn for putting together the competition and finally thanks to our Nantan for all that he does for us all!