55 PAX came out for the QvQ finale. I am missing a few who were not on video. Let me know and I will add you.

From the opening bell where Toxic entered with pyrotechnics and his theme song Brittany Spears’, “Toxic” to Scappy’s perfect double leg takedown, it was a blast!

Here is what happened

Toxic literally ran with the Rocky theme into Moroccan Night Clubs and my one-legged Side Straddle Hop to Oh Mickey You’re So Fine. Well played sir.

He then went into bear crawls, crab walks (the only one who could properly complete was Crab Legs), Dragon Walks (Created by his 2.0 Dragon) and a few other nonsense exercises that PAX heavily modified.

He did other stuff, but I was a bit dizzy at that point. He ended with Green Sally. Bloody, dazed and confused I looked to Ultraman for guidance. I said, “I see three of him out there”, so Ultraman responded, “Hit the one in the middle”

It’s not about how hard you can hit, it’s how hard you can get hit and keep going, so I broke into a Moroccan Night Club Hip Thrust which some of the PAX followed while others shielded their eyes.

We then moved on to a Rocky themed workout to one of the greatest songs ever written “Going the Distance”.

Next was a cluster of PVC Pipe, Bricks/Blocks work and calisthenics.  Clearly a cluster #@%&. Finishing with Red Solo Cup ‘Mercians and Stretch/Mobility.


Honored to participate in this event. F3 has been such an inspiration to me. Thank you to Swing State for allowing me to share a few words at the end, but words can not articulate how impactful this group has been to me.

From my first workout at Fission on June 8, 2017 when Goat Qed making reference to Rocky foreshadowing today's events, it has been a blast.

Thank you to Etch-A-Sketch bringing out FNG Bobber, welcome. Sorry Crocs, yes there was limited running. Great to see Flo, but Rosie was missed, she is such a sweet puppy. Carpet Bagger is a beast doing pullups to even himself out from a push-up forward workout. Great to see the old Hampton Crew of King Fish and Smores, who are always prime for some awesome mumble chatter and Titan always trying to trip up the Q with a double recover. I thankful I didn’t need to compete against Olive, who rightly pointed out he never lost. I want no part of facing off against someone with his strength a fortitude.

There is so much more to mention about everyone in attendance, you all mean the world to me. I want to close with a few points that I reflect on often.

  • Early on when I first started F3 we were running, and I felt like I was going to die. I could not catch my breath and the following transpired.
    • Moses – “Stapler you okay?”
    • Me – “Yes, I’m just fat and out of shape”
    • Moses – “That is why we are here”
    • Soprano – “We are here because Stapler is fat and out of shape?”
    • Moses – long pause “Yes, I guess that is why we are here”

Soprano had the perfect levity that relieved the pain and allowed me to move forward, while Moses had the thoughtful words to bring it all together. Anytime, I want to quit, or if I am helping others who struggle, I think back to that day which perfectly explains on many levels why we are on this earth.

  • I am thankful to Omega who pushed me to be master Q of Man Maker, well before I was ready and comfortable to take this challenge on. It pushed me to improve which would have been further delayed if left to my own timetable.
  • I am thankful to Cousin Eddie who I shared an AO location with (Man Maker and Fission) who is always thoughtful to step up and help others.
  • I am thankful to my Shield Lock Goat (Wisdom), Holiday (Humor), Hall Monitor (Optimistic), Black Beard (Challenger), Toxic (Resolve) – You all have given me so much, I cannot thank you enough
  • As for Cobra Kia, I can not say enough. As my brother Solid put it, “you may be the most interesting man I have ever met” You have given so much of your time to help me develop my Jiu Jitsu, mindset and overall physical abilities. It is more than that though, you are truly a Brother to me, and I can’t express how grateful I am. Thank you

Okay, all that is very touchy feely and it is starting to make me very uncomfortable, but it is what I am feeling at this time, so it is going down in a back blast. There are so many others that have done so much for me over the years. Everyone at F3 has had a tremendously positive impact on my life, so thank you!

Thank you to Cherry Bomb for organizing QvQ and thank you to Carpet Bagger for allowing Toxic and I to take over the Gladiator AO today.