Bribery, banter, and burpees were just a few of the shenanigans  taking place in the gloom as 20 able body PAX descended on Arnie’s Army. Who knew that in great chess match to determine the world’s finest Q that the greatest maneuvers and most devastating missteps could befall the same competitor. A warrior of the finest pedigree, Dingo, took many big swings this morning only to fall victim to the PAX least likable movement. In the end, YHC earned the honor to advance and to write this most glorious of back-blasts.

Warmups are often overlooked in the gloom (except in The People’s Republic of Davidson where they are required according to Article 7, section 2) but not this morning. Dingo rallied the PAX in a circle and after an eloquent disclaimer, a malfunction with his Bluetooth speaker, and an unprompted honorable gesture to offer YHC his shorts (needed to show to know), the traditional call was sounded to begin our morning ritual. 15 reps of side straddle hop echoed through the early morning air as sneakers clapped the pavement and cadence was called out by about 3 other PAX. Ever so swiftly Dingo moved the PAX through a most familiar series of movements: 10 imperial storm troopers, 10 Muricans, 10 mountain climbers, 10 CDDs. He then led us in a very enjoyable pigeon stretch. YHC nearly waved the white flag but I held my resolve.

Dingo then led the PAX to the picnic benches for another series of familiar exercises: 10 dips, 10 derkins, 10 squats. We then dashed off to the pullup bars but not before being reminded that inside voices were of the upmost importance as not to disturb the peaceful community that surrounds us. We would hate for MQ, Auto, to be held solely responsible for the early morning raucous caused by 20 grown men. Hard to tell by YHC is nearly certain the pullup bars were moved over the course of the past year as I veered right while everyone else veered left. Thankfully Big Montana gently guided me back to the straight and narrow before I veered too far adrift.

At the spectacle of pullup bars the PAX were placed into pairs and ran through another series of movements: traverse the monkey bars and do 15 dips while the other team member performs 10 burpees then flap jack, 5 pullups + burpees, hold chin above bar + burpees, hanging leg raise & hold + 10 Muricans, 5 pullups + 10 squats. With Dingo’s final movement we headed back to the parking lot to make a lap consisting of lunge walks while the other partner performed burpees, then crab walks while the other partner performed Muricans. Dingo’s reign had finally come to an end. It was now YHC’s turn to dish out the pain.

Inspired by many recent conversations regarding the Shield Lock, YHC attempted to put that at the forefront of the PAX minds as we went through a series of partner and then total team exercises. Each movement could not be performed without the assistance and support of the partner. Similarly, we should not mosey through life left alone to deal with our struggles. We have men to support us and we, F3 Nation, are extremely fortunate that we have a whole network of men who keep this top of mind.

The mumble chatter grew amidst the transition from Dingo to YHC. I knew it was imperative to get us back on track and focused. After a brief introduction to the Shield Lock (thank you, Bagboy, and I suppose 9 Lives, for sharing what the Shield Lock means) we partnered up and got after it. Round one consisted of 10 partner Muricans (man with feet on top of partner’s back performed the movement) followed by 10 partner sit-ups. After all PAX performed each movement, admirably I might say, we stepped onto the “activity field” (not to be mistaken with a soccer field) and traversed the field via buddy drags. A crowd favorite, for sure, but was made a bit easier with the slick, wet grass underfoot. The pattern remained the same for the round: Partner Muricans (this time with man on the bottom performing the movement) + partner leg throw downs. Complete the exercise and move to the field for wheel barrows. Come back and complete.

Next, it was all about the team effort and suffering together. Kackalacky choo choo initiated the team phase followed by everyone’s favorite, tunnel of love. Immediately following we worked in the sandbag as the PAX lined up facing the tennis courts, got into the plank position and held it as we dragged the 40lb sandbag down the line and back. The PAX were then instructed to pop up, get into a low squat and hold as we passed the sandbag down the line and back again.

To close out the festivities the PAX were instructed to lock arms. The intent was to stay together and a couple reminders were needed to keep us in line. The first movement involved lunge walking together as a team from one end of the field to the other. The final exercise was team sit-ups. With arms still interlocked, the PAX got on their six (some begrudgingly), and we counted off 10 team sit-ups.

Recover, Recover. COT.