Race City learns their A, B, C’s

Today was YHC's first foray as the MQ of The Glen. I believed it was time to introduce Race City's finest gloom warriors to a Night Ranger staple. Today we all learned our A, B, C's. Here's how it all started.

Ruckers and runners a-plenty. Several men woke early to enjoy some time prior to the workout. Loveshack, Chief, Big Mean, Cupcake, Nymph, Brushless, Deep End, Lear, and Manhands chose to don their packs for a stroll. I heard our War Daddy Lear led them at a blazing pace. Dory, and Usain decided to go for a quick 3 mile run. Afterall, BRR is just around the corner.

The Warm-a-Rama

Lear led us in the Pledge, and we Mosied to the workout zone. I went through the F3 disclaimer for the 3 FNGs (thanks for the reminder Chief), and then shared our RC specific disclaimer. The exercises included:

20 SSHs

20 Windmills

20 Cotton Pickers

20 ISTs

The Thang

A list with the alphabet was posted in the upper parking lot. Each letter was assigned a specific exercise. The Pax was instructed to run to the list, use the first letter in their hospital name to find their first exercise, and run back to the workout zone to perform that exercise. This routine was repeated for each letter in our First, Middle, Last, and F3 name. It's a shame we didn't have Joseph Billy Ray Baker Finger Licking Good in attendance, but we would have needed to bring him a lunch. There were plenty of Box Cutters, Burpees, and Pull Ups to go around. Maybe a few too many SSHs.


As time started to run out, we headed back up to the upper parking lot for Mary. Tail hook asked to lead, and I was happy to let him. He started with some manner of torturous V-up (Wow!), Pillow Talk left and right, and some rapid fire Mason Twists.

A random rucker passed through the park, and Manhands chased after him, presumably to give him a hug. Hopefully he will join us in the future.


We counted off, 28 strong including 3 FNGs. There was chatter that this may have been a RC record, waiting on confirmation from the Race City historian Big Mean. Also in attendance Cheyenne, Hooks, and Jacques. We need to get them on the books.

It was a pleasure to lead such a great group of men. Thank you for having the confidence in me to MQ at one of the best AOs in Isotope. Err, rather Lake Norman…