Race City Riots

7 of the finest men that you will find this side of the mississippi, that couldn't attend The Delta, made their way to stumpy creek park to reflect on a tough week for the Charlotte region and get better as men.  The intent of this workout and the title was not to make light of the situation but to give us the oportunity to talk about the issues at hand and be better men becasue of what has taken place.  This is what went down.  Warm up mosey down to the parking lot. 

COP Soy Bean Pickers x 10, IST x 10, SSH x 15 

Mosey to the pull up bars.  Pull ups x 10, Bill Clintons x 10 

Mosey to the soccer field run from side to side of the soccer field including high knees, butt kickers and belly sprints x 4

Mosey to the rock pile  Grab a decent sized rock not to big and not to small we will travel from the rock  pile to the fence on the other side of the soccer field.  Instructions from YHC  were given to complete the following excersizes Curls x 10, Shoulder Press x 10, Skull Crushers x10 after doing the 1st set of ten throw your rock as far as you can and mosey to it and complete the next set of 10. Continue doing this all the way to the fence line.  When you get there plank and wait for everyone to finish.  Return back to the rock pile the same way with Bent Over Row x 10, Thrusters x 10, and Squats x 10,  Repeato for round 2 with one small variation.  Bear Crawl to your rock each time after throwing it to get under the tear gas!  Return rocks to the pile and mosey up to the Crack house Dips x 10 Decline Merkins x 10, Dips x 10 Incline Merkins x 10.  Mosey over to stairs by baseball field bunny hop all the way up.  Frog leap skipping 1 step. Repeato skipping 2 steps , by request from Big Mean, Step Ups x 10 each leg on the wall, box jumps x 10 return to the parking lot for Mary

Around the cirle for Mary each person picks on excersize 10 reps each including. Low Dolly, Low Flutter, American Hammer, J-Lo, W's.


Its an honor to lead  this group every time i get the oportunity. 

RAC out