#RaceCity is Afraid of Running

Circle up

Flag Ceremony/ Pledge Allegiance

The Thang

Run down to Dock Ramp parking

Side Straddle Hop
Vegetable Gatherers
Storm Troopers

Forward Lunges

Reverse flutter kicks


Peter Parkers

Partner up at bottom of ramp, size does not matter

Whilst one planked, the other runs up halfway and as he starts his first 5 Merkin in the middle and then 10 crunches at the top

And then  on the merkins his partner he runs and starts is first 5 Merkin, 10 Lunges and 10 Crunches.

Bottom of the hill and repeat with 10 merkins and then 20 crunches

Plank for all to join

Run Back to bottom and plank, all join.

Repeato with 15

Repeato with 20

Jog up to picnic house

Dips Preachers Chair


Decline merkins on the swings


Run to the rocks and circle of rock workout with Brushless complaining
Curls, Skull Crushers, Outhouse Squats, Presses

Then an Indian run that was decided to call an audible and not do it (icy)

Jog up to mary

Partner up

partner lays down on back, lifts legs straight up and partner pushes legs down  15x


The general mumblechatter was over the bennies of the Big V and if it pays off.  Many shared, all felt each others past and present pain.  

No announcements

Prayer for the family friends of Deepend in their time of mourning.  We wish a safe surgery for Shambala’s sis in law, and in general ‘cause look what the Lord has to work with in this group.