Racecity returns to equilibrium

It seemed The Chubby Buddha found its Zen today, it homeostatic balance with nature.  Racecity returned to three of its fundamental elements – Poop, Push-ups and Pierogi.  It was a good showing with 9 guys slinging the bells.   A bunch of guys ran.  Who and why escapes YHC.

Here's how the harmonic outting unfolded….

First we conducted an Indigenous American run around the square.  I estimate it was 3+ miles, others claim it was barely 1/3 of a mile.  My lungs, flooded like the titanic with lactic acid were rounding up.

We returned with more warm up – 

SSH's then we climbed atop the brickwall perimeter and did IST's – Lear at 70 looked like a gargoyle performing Swan Lake – sheer beauty.  After pushups and other what-nots then we zamperini'd to real stuff – 

In the grass we did a ladder – 

5 burpees, KB lunge walk, bearcrawl and jog back

5 burpees + 10 URR's then zamped back to start

5 burpees + 10 URR's + 15 Mericans – lunge walk + bearcrawl + jog

Ladder continued until we reached the top:

5 burpees + 10 URR + 15 Mericans + 20 curls + 25 squats + 30 shoulder presses + 35 flutter presses

Due to the gross under-estimating of time to completion – pax returned for Mary


25 DC LBC's

25 pretzels (left and right)

15 WWII bell assisted sit ups


Perogi returned from his injury and never missed a beat – he looked like Sea Biscuit, Fabio and Ethel Mermon spawned a love child – the Pax was giddy 

About round two of the ladder Dewey discovered doodie in the grass….apparennty there are dogs in the area – from the numerous complaints I would guess numerous dogs – possibly with canine IBS.

We apparently did alot of pushups / burpees today as calls of bullsh*t were announced.  Either that or someone was walking their bull in the grass as well as their dog.

A concerned bystander pulled up thinking we were in some kind of accident.  We told her we were just men doing men things and to move along.

We prayed especially for our daughters, grand daughters and wives asking for patience and just to listen and love and be the best husbands, fathers and grandfathers we can be.

Pax gearing up for Camo 5K on 5/26 where we will debut our home-made speed for need chair by honoring a 92 year old WWII veteran with a lap around mooresville.  Is this an awesome group or what?