Races On at Fission

23 men arose this morning knowing that the battle would be tough, the heat would be high and the pain would be prevalent.  1 man went home and the rest of them did this free workout thing called a "boot camp", here is their story:

0430 – 2 men gathered for a super secret BRR team meeting and ran a couple miles

0500 – 5 men put in 2.5 to get the sweat glands pumping

0530 – go time – mosey to the landing strip


SSH x 25 (IC)

IST x 25 (IC)

Cotton Pickers x 25 (IC)

Mtn Climbers x 25 (IC)

Slow Squats x 25


The Thang:

Pinky Pie (dips/merkins) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (56 reps)

              Mosey to the parking lot:

              Broad Jump Burpee x about 40 to the other island

              Plank while you wait

             Lunge walk back

              Mosey to the run way

              Partner up and sprints where it pays to be a winner.

              Losers team does 5 reps of burpees, squats, merkins, etc for a loss.

              go three rounds

              Mosey back to 131 Main

              Partner 1 derkins AMRAP

              Partner 2 run to the lot and back

              Repeato until you reach 100

              Same thing but with air presses and go to 200

              5 min of mary

              WWII x 15

              Kid Rock with a low flutter, homer to marge to 6" medley

               Sauce with 15 lbcs


Great work today gents, hope you feel it in the legs like i do.

Hey can somebody get Chinny, TD & Toll Booth Willie to register on the website!

I had planned to do the broad jump burpees again but apparently everybody went to hollywood and had grown tired of them, so we did a sprint contest instead.

Speaking of sprints, The Geek is absolutely positivley faster than me.  forwards and backwards.

Best rivalry of the morning was Omega and Kid Rock.  Can't believe Kid Rock pulled a couple wins.

Sauce, you couldn't even win when cheating….

Mary K is just not fair to race against.

Kid Rock, nice job taking the whole mary.  that was awful.  Toll Booth is fired from picking people for anything!

Great to see some new faces out there this morning and thanks to Special Sauce for inviting me out and to an unnamed no good dirty rotten piece of a son of a jack mother bag for inviting me out to F3 nearly 3 years ago, Love you BEP.  I challenge you all to get out to different workouts when you can and meet some new guys.  It is awesome to see what this gift is doing for so many men and I am excited to see the results of guys who are experiencing their first few workouts.  The energy is contagious and it certainly fueled me this AM.  Don't be afraid to talk to people about F3, somebody is praying for it!
