RAD KB Beating

Event Date

Dec 22, 2023

YHC is done with Christmas this year. The over commercialization and constant grind to buy buy. Not even to mention the constant grind of working to pay for it all!  The M started playing Christmas music starting October 1st … so I am just done.  To enjoy this workout I wanted something fun and upbeat to lift our spirits. Nothing make me more happy than some classic 80s music and having Amen singing to the top of his lung some Duran Duran! Lets GO!.


  • SSH x30
  • Slippery Dip Can X10
  • SLOW windmill x10
  • SLOW deep squat x10
  • Arm Circles

The Thang

We ha 4 stations. After each station workout is complete run up the ramp to door, down the stairs, and run back up to ramp to next station. After station 4 then start back at station 1. Repeato.

Station 1: KB Swings x20, KB Squats x20

Station 2: KB Staggered Merkins x10 each arm, KB WWII x10

Station 3: Clean & Press x10 each arm, KB Chest Press x20

Station 4: 20x Man Maker Burner


Pass around Mary exercise to each of the pax.


  • Everyone dug the RAD tunes and Amen sang his heart out. It was a breath of fresh air in this stressful season. Hope everyone enjoyed!
  • Praise and continued prayers for the The Force’s mom. She is starting special treatments that can both help her and create learning for others undergoing treatment. She and the family continue to inspire us with living life to the fullest! Praise!
  • Special prayers out to a family friend of POS. Eva, a 17 year old, was in a head-on collision caused by a drunk driver. She is in critical condition. Prayers out!!