Rain or Shine, it has to continue on….

Event Date

Oct 23, 2017

3 men beat the #fartsack to join #YHC for tour of ELHS and the neighborhood surrounding.  There was a loner in the parking lot when I drove up but that person quickly exited when I arrived.  Sure hope I don't see that car again because you will be called out if you got up and then drove back home.  #justsayin

Mosey to bleachers near tennis court for a little #SSH x15 / #Dips x20

Run to the front of the school for #Derkins x20 / #AirSquats x20

Run to the pay table at football field for #LBC x40

Cross the road and take a stroll through the neighborhood while stopping in each cul-du-sac for a few exercises.  It was noted that @Clubber takes up rest at the corner house but light was on and no one was around.  See you next time brother.

Cross back over and head to the pay table again for #Low Flutter x40 / #Mason Twist x20

Run to the back of the stadium and down the stairs

Round 1 – backwards run on the turns and run the straights

Round 2 – backwards run on the straights and run the turns

Run over to the concrete stadium stairs for a tour of the steps – up and down a couple times is how it went

Run back to the Parking Lot for MARY

5 Burpees, 15 Low Dolly, 5 Burpees, 15 Rosalita, 5 Burpees, 15 Prostate Exams, 5 Burpees, 15 Fredie Murcurys, 5 Burpees, 15 LBC, 5 Burpees

Wet Man's MoleSkin:

– Thanks to the 2 other men that didn't let a little rain fall keep them from joining their brother in the rain.  No thunder or lightening so it was safe men!

– Burtha mentioned a Pig Picken coming up at his church, all are welcome.  More info to come on Slack most likely.

– Enjoy the day men