Rain, Rain, Go . . .

Event Date

Feb 02, 2023


You know it’s gonna be a great day when you’re standing alone in the dark, cold, rain at 5:29:30 and before the clock strikes 5:30:00 three loyal PAX arrive to join you. Surely these men could see it was raining; could feel it was cold; could have fartsacked it. Surely these men knew this workout would consist of lots of SSH, merkins, and squats. Surely they could have posted at another AO that had shelter. But nope.

Jersey Boy, Canuck, and Waffle House followed me around Harris Teeter where we started off with what would be the first of many 25 SSH in cadence. The first of many 15 low, slow squats, the first of many 10 merkins, and some IST and Toy Soldiers mixed in. The Toy Soldiers resulted in a lot of spray getting kicked up so I did away with those pretty quickly.

From there we moseyed all the way to the covered bridge with stops at Crafty Burger, the Greenway entrance, the fence, and the bench. Each stop consisted of 25 SSH in cadence, squats, and merkins. Well, maybe not every stop, but definitely most.

We did the same route on the way back with a repeato, but dropped a few exercises here and there in the interest of time.

We closed with a short discussion of how wet the Polar Bear will actually be and circled up for a prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this great group of men.
