Rain Rain go away – there’s Blocks to lift with Holiday

Event Date

Mar 19, 2016

Also posting this morning was Bones from F3 Durham – in town for a wedding.  He's the master Q at #TobaccoRoad – look him up when you're in that part of the state.

War Daddy – Dill, War Baby – Bones

YHC pulled into the St. Mark parking lot as the True Grit crowd was leaving.  Titan threatened to double down – and promptly left.  Country Club – threatened and stayed, after Q'ing True Grit.  Strong work. (Although he did admit that had the rain come earlier, he would have been right behind Titan.)

We stayed relatively dry until about the 50 minute mark – and at that point, a little rain felt good.  Here's what went down in the Jungle……


Head to the fountain and circle up (all in cadence)

SSH x 25

Windmill x 15

Mountain Climbers x 20

Cotton Pickers x 20

IST x 20

Mosey down Stumptown and line up at the bottom of the hill behind the school

The Thang

Partner Up

Partner Alpha – runs up the hill to the fence and back, Partner Bravo – does exercise AMRAP

Flapjack, Repeato

Each partner does 6 hill assents, and 2 sets of LBCs, 2 sets of Scorpion Dry-Docks and 2 sets of Squats

Head up the hill towards the church

Along the way – lunge walk, bear crawl, lunge walk

In the parking lot – find a spot along the curb

20 Muhammad Ali's IC


10 Muhammad Ali's IC


Mosey to the car-pool wall

Parter 1 does a People's Chair, Partner 2 Quadrafeelia up the drive way and perform 12 Jump Squats – Flapjack/Repeato – each partner does 12-10-8-6-4-2

About this time the PAX seemed to be having an issue with "Leg Day"  No problem – YHC cares about your total fitness and would show some love to your arms next.

Grab a cinder block

Cirle up for the Zamperini Time Bomb

Blocks overhead and keep em there

YHC starts with 5 shoulder presses – and the time bomb begins.

5-4-3-2-1 (Blocks over head, when you're not pressing).

Partner Up once more

Partner A farmer carries 2 blocks, Partner B does 10 mericans and then runs to catch up to Partner A.  Trade roles – and continue counter-clockwise around about a third of the upper parking lot.

Repeato – clockwise back the way we came.  Unless Blackbeard leads the PAX on a slight shortcut – ARRRRRGH!!

1st Partner farmer carries while 2nd Partner does 4 burpees and then catches up.

Because it was such a crowd pleaser (really, people commented that they liked it) – we did another round of the Zamperini Time Bomb 5-4-3-2-1 BOOM

[Someone noted that we were much more efficient during round 2, not so much chatter, no one forgot to go on time – funny how that works].

Mosey back to put the blocks away.

And here comes the rain with about 10 minutes to go.

With a nod to March Madness – we did some modified suicides.

Beginning at the end of the parking lot – run to the first island and back, run to the second island and back.

Now it's really raining.

Repeato the Suicides.

YHC took a vote – and it was unanimous (based on those that spoke for the group) we should head for cover for Mary.


As our special guest – Bones lead us in the first exercise

20 WWII sit-ups IC at a pace that seemed to indicate Bones had somewhere to be

20 LBCs IC

20 Touch Dem Heels IC

15 Dying Cockroach IC

Homer to Marge to Rosalita to Homer to Marge

Finally, we were able to introduce Bones to the J-Lo



Great to have Bones with us today from Durham.  We traded notes about posting at a new location.  It really is amazing.  When you show up to a post while you're on the road – with the exception of a few slight nuances – it feels exactly like you're posting of your home turf.  When you travel – find a work-out.  You'll be glad you did.

– Callahan gave us the recap from St. Patty's Day at the Galway Hooker – I was glad I went for several hours.  Callahan went for "several more" than I did – and reminded us that it's only 363 days until St. Patty's Day 2017.

– Always glad to post at St. Mark.  This is a place where F3 is intertwined with "the rest of my life."  I can't go to a school event at St. Mark without running into several PAX, their Ms or their 2.0s.  My family attends 9:00 Mass and it's rare that there is not at least a dozen PAX in attendance.  It's a great feeling to see so many from our brotherhood (actually cleaned-up and in real clothes – sometimes even a tie).  There are PAX that serve communion with me, there are ushers and readers and many of your 2.0's are altar servers – F3 is serving the church, and setting an example for your families.  I often think about what a different church experience I would be having without F3.  What a blessing we all share.

– Blackbeard and I shared a clown car over to help with the ALS service project.  Look for more info from Outlaw on how to get involved with a great family that can benefit from some F3 support.

– Crimson – thanks for the opportunity to lead this group of fine men.  Always an honor and a pleasure.