Rain – Wet, Dry, Wet, Dry – Mad Sci was Awesome

Rain Rain get away from Mad Scientist. Slow & steady rain in the LKN kept pax in & out of the real gloom. YHC caught some flack cause the PB said "Dry".  Oh Well ! 11 pax ripped through the clouds once again to be out of the gloom

Warmorama – windmill, toy soldier, merican, carrot puller & SSH

Up stairs to mid level with coupons – ruck, bucket w stone, case water, kettle bell, small pavers, & cinder block

Partner A runs one section of ramp down & back, Partner B curls AMRAP with changing coupons.

A runs, B shoulder press

A runs, B bent over rows

A runs, B skull crusher OR shoulder press depending on weight of coupon

Ground mix – Mericans x 10IC, Peter Parkers x 10IC, Mountain climbers x 10 IC.  Staying down whole time

Run as group to very top ramps, Burpee Time Bomb – 5-4-3-2-1

Run back down & return coupons to lot

Back into dry garage for mary

MARY: LBCs, Rosalita, Reach & Catch, Freddie Mercury, Elbow Plank, Mason Twist

Rumple Moleskin:

1 – Thanks to Jimmy O for allowing me to Q Mad Sci !  I was looking for the white lab coat for pic.  Did that get retired ? That would be a shame

2 – Frogger was a stud during the Std allowing me to keep my pace, let me do my thing & pushed me better than expected

3 – Great to meet Sabotage !  Big boy EH from Amen.  Keep coming back.

The REAL connections available from F3 is incredle.  Keep posting regularly &  all the great stuff will slowly be revealed

You Only Live Once….This Is Not the Dress Rehearsal. Aye !

MAYHEM (in the AM)