Rain? What rain?

Event Date

Apr 23, 2018

Seven fine men ignored the weather forecast and were rewarded with dry ground for their early-morning beatdown. 




20 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC ‘Merkins

10 IC Imperial Storm Troopers


Head to the parking lot hill and partner up. 


Round one:  "Burpback Mountain"

Partner A – quadraphelia up the hill to the top and mosey back

Partner B – burpees til your partner returns 

Swap and repeat as necessary until each team does 100 burpees (roughly 5 trips per partner)


Round two:

Partner A – run to the top of the hill and mosey back

Partner B – LBC TIL your partner gets back

Swap and repeat as necessary until each team does 300 LBCs (roughly 5 trips per partner)


Mosey to the track

Partner A runs one direction around the track, partner B the other way.  When you meet up, high five and reverse direction.  Return to the start – repeato (1 mile per team)

Head to the field house wall: "Ascending Testicles"

– Plank position, feet on wall at about 15 degrees, 10 derkins

– Walk feet up the wall to 45 degrees, 10 more derkins

– Walk feet up to full BTTW position, 10 more derkins (if you got any left)



Head to the football field sideline for "Elevens"

– Run from one sideline to the other, 10 merkins, 1 SSH

– Run back to original sideline, 9 merkins, 2 SSH

– Continue pattern until you’re at 1 merkin and 10 SSH


6…err… 1 MOM

20 IC American Hammer


ROMANS 8:26-27

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

These past few weeks have given me an awesome opportunity to look back at the work the the Holy Spirit is doing in my life and the lives of those around me.  I rarely, if ever, understand where I am being led while I am on the path.  But when I take a look in the rearview mirror, it seems to all make perfect sense.  There are events, like my own recent journey in my faith and watching others walk their path that leave no doubt in my heart that, while we may fel like we're steering own ships, the Holy Spirit is there giving the occasional nudge on the wheel to keep us on the path that God has chosen.


– Not a drop of rain fell on the AO while we were there this morning, despite almost absolute certainty that we would get wet.  Apparently several of our brothers got skeered and stayed in the fartsack 😉

– Q wasn't sure how this one was gonna go as most of this was new to his beatdown menu.  I'll let others determine how it went but I'm certainly feeling it.

– Kudos to Zippy for getting to bed early last night and making it in this morning.  Dude had a beast of weekend and earned a break – but didn't take one

– Q is a little bit jealous that Mater now outruns him with ease.  Great work, brother! 

– As always, it is an honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.