Rain what Rain?

Event Date

Aug 03, 2021

The Blender Tabata Tuesday   



SSH 20

Windmill 10

Imperial Stormtroopers 10



4 rounds of Tabata 

25 seconds workout 

10 seconds rest

4 exercises per set equals 1 round approximately 9 1/2 minutes 


Round 1


KB swings 

KB up right rows


V ups


Run around  nearest island of the parking lot 


Round 2



Skoal claps

KB shoulder press

Pretzel crunch switch at halfway 


Run around nearest island of the parking lot


Round 3


KB skull crushers 

KB lawn mower pulls switch arms at whistle 


Low flutter with KB press


Run around the nearest island of the parking lot (Skipped due to time)


Round 4


KB squat to press

KB curls

Carolina Dry docks

Dragonfly lifts



Recover recover 




This workout didn’t sit on the shelf too long as it seems perfect when it is raining and Grace Covenant Church has a large enough cover. 


Not much chatter except wishing there was a longer break between the exercises.  Good work by Bunyan, Crimson & Ultraman.   We finished all 4 Rounds with about 20 seconds to spare. 

