Rain, what rain? Yes there were Burpees…

9 Pax made it out for a rather dreary saturday morning workout at the Mighty Jungle.

Started out with the standard warm-up fare then headed for a short mosey to partake in Bear Crawling, pull-ups, Merkins and yep you guessed it Burpees.  Proceeded around the parking lot and did various excercises along the way ended up at the stairways and bear crawled up and down the stairs.   Then headed out for a long mosey (.6 miles to be exact) and hit the field at Torrence Creek Elem. where there happened to be supplies for a touch football game awaiting the PAX upon arrival.  Played some flag football where Lone Star was the star QB throwing the first touchdown pass of the game.  And by the way there was a twist.  Teams that were successful had to do 10 Merkins but the team tha was unsuccessful had to do 5 Burpees.

After the 20 minute touch football game we headed back to the church and did more bearcrawls and various other painful and not so painful excercises until recover, recover.

Mumble chatter was frequent and really sparked up as we headed away from the church.  I think Blackbeard thought we were headed to his house for some coffee and donuts.  Ultraman of course was in his confort zone and wondered why we stoppeed at the school and didn't put in the extra 12 miles or so.  Olaf hobbled along as he was recovering from the "men of a certain age" thing he had to do on Friday, he couldn't stop talking about it, don't know what that really means…Panzer was in his glory on the football field and was in a different gear when running his routes.  

Great work PAX and happy Mother's Day
