Rain Workout without the Rain

+KeanUp +Dutch Boy +Rooney

Mosey, get cinder block, then to the front of the church (slight detour as we waited for a German Shepard to finish his bath in the fountain, yes you read that correctly)

Warm up

Squat thrust x10, then 1 burpee
Merican x10, 2 burpees
Mountain climber x10, 3 burpee
Carolina dry dock x10, 4 burpee
Squat x10, 5 burpee

Partner up

Portico ramp series

Round 1 (run to benches w/ exercise)
Partner 1 – Press, Partner 2 – 10 step ups per leg at bench, 2x
Partner 1 – Curls, Partner 2 – 20 dips at bench, 2x
Partner 1 – Skull crusher, Partner 2 – 30 LBC at bench, 2x

Round 2 (carry to street)
Partner 1 – cinder carry, Partner 2 – mericans
Partner 1 – cinder carry, Partner 2 – squats
(Out of time)

Return blocks with Mary on the way





  1. It was my first official Gladiator Q and encourage you all to sign up.
  2. I planned a workout for the predicted rain, but no rain. I'd like a job where you can be 50% right and still stay employed.
  3. Thanks to KleanUp and Dutch Boy for making the trip from MECA Highlands. Much appreciated, brothers!
  4. Stay safe and enjoy the week.
