Rainy Days Always Get Me Down. Down for some Rock Work!

Rainy Days Always Get Me Down. Down for some Rock Work!

7 Magnificent PAX were down for some rock work.

Warm Up – SSHx25, Windmillx15, Toy Soldgerx15, Moroccan Nightclubx50, ‘Mericansx10 and Pickersx10

The Thing

Mosey to Rock Pile

Circle up 10 count in cadence – Squat, Bent Over Row, Curl, Overhead Press, Skull Crusher and Chest Press/Low Flutter

Run to the corner and back

Zamperini to hill looking over the bridge. Exercise with Rock, run down to the bottom of the hill, exercise and run back up

  • Squatx25 / ‘Mericansx25
  • Upright Rowx25 / Lungex25 each leg
  • Curlx25 / Reverse Lungex25 each leg
  • Skull Crusherx25 / Carolina Dry Dockx25

Zamperini back to the start

Circle up 10 count in cadence – Squat, Bent Over Row, Curl, Overhead Press, Skull Crusher and Chest Press/Low Flutter

Mosey back to the start.


  • Stapler – Pretzel Crunch, Holiday – Dying Cockroach, Cousin Eddie – Low Dolly, Soprano – Burpees with hand release ‘Mericans, Little Professor – Rosalita.

Mumble Chatter

  • There were rumors of no rain and staying dry. This was not the case. Soprano was not happy with the symmetry of our wetness, so he resolved the issue with Burpees with hand release ‘Mericans to ensure our fronts matched our backs. Good thinking Brother!
  • Amen, gets the style points for his dance moves while doing lunges
  • Cousin Eddie needs Qs at Fission, sign up if you can Q.
  • Holiday, Deep Dish, Little Professor and I meet for coffee and solve the world’s problems. We are not there yet, but hang tight, we should have these problems solved by month end.

Thank you to Goat for allowing me to Q.