Raise Up Them Bells at Virtual Man Maker Monday – Week 4

7 PAX and one puppy raised their Bells and Rose to the occasion. Check that 8, sorry Mr Holland  

Warm up – In Cadence

13x–Windmills, 13x–Toy Soldiers, 13x–Imperial Storm Troopers, 13x-Squats and 25x–Side Straddle Hops

The Thing – Single Count

First Set – 3 Rounds – (10x – 20x – 30x – Reps)

  1. Kettlebell Squat
  2. Kettlebell Curl
  3. Kettlebell Overhead Press
  4. Kettlebell Skull Crusher
  5. Kettlebell Burner

Second Set (Bell Free) – 3 Rounds – (10x – 20x – 30x – Reps)

  1. ‘Mericans
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. WWII Sit-Ups
  4. Carolina Dry Docks
  5. Burpees

Third Set – 3 Rounds – (10x – 20x – 30x – Reps)

  1. Kettlebell Lawn Mower Right
  2. Kettlebell Lawn Mower Left
  3. Kettlebell Bent Over Row
  4. Kettlebell Upright Row
  5. Kettlebell Chest Press and Low Flutter

Mary – In Cadence- with the exception of WWIIs

13x Crunchy Frogs, 13x Rosaletta, 13x Dying Cockroach, and 13 LBCs


The rain and wind could not stop us from the comfort of our homes.

Cousin Eddie ever the fast finisher (insert your mumble chatter) finished first.

Rocket rose to the occasion lifting his F3 Bell in his garage.

Ultraman Ruffed it out with a tweaked Achilles, thankfully he had his puppy to help carry the load.

Holiday enjoyed an afternoon delight and now feels the burn. There is a shot for that.

Olive and his 2.1 crushed it. Nice Job!

Thank you for participating in these virtual workouts. It is one of the things that keeps me going.