Rally Towel Time

We began, as usual, expecting and experiencing the arrival of Hat Trick and Ninja Turtle and then began our 50 foot journey to the end of the parking lot for Donkey kicks, Mtn Climbers, Squats and SSH.  We then slow mosey past the eerie guy sitting in his car starring at us and moseyed all the way to the distant rock pile and I was stymied by a chance to utilize the greenery next to the gazeebo. 

We all grabbed a rock and Samsonite acquired a boulder for curls, OH press and squats at which point we did a bear crawl while pushing our rock up the hill.  This caused a vomiting of comments, but we endured.  We did bypass Bailey's little present he left so health concerns were mitigated.  At the side walk we again applied an ample round of pain, this time rotating our rock assignments – curls, OH press, et al.  We returned our rocks Zamporini style and hit the bar from some declined merkins, a sinle leg squats.  We return whence we came to the benches near the gazeebo to see we cannot do the step up on the planter as it's overgrown with…yes, flowers.  With a long mosey back with some backward run up the nice hill we arrived for Mary at as a pretty reasonably tight group.  There we did the usual low flutter, WWII situps, Jaylo and monkey humpers. 

Great work men.  I took an abashed chance to market the SportClips brand by providing all participants with a SportClips rally towel, courstesy of SportClips, Where It's Good to Be a Guy.  Oh, I guees I went too far.