Ramps, rocks, running, oh my!

18 men showed for my VQ


SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Mericans all IC

Mosey to the nearest ramp

Partner up for DORA

100 CDD's, 200 Squats, 300 LBC's
Partner 1 does reps while Partner 2 runs up ramp, across lot, down stairs, back to start.  Flip flop and repeato until the # is reached.

Line up on wall.  

People's chair + air presses
People's chair + touch them heels

Mosey to rockpile, pick a good one, then up to lot;

10 Curls
10 Shoulder press
10 Skull Crushers
10 Bent over rows
all in cadence

At end of circuit, move to right, 1 spot, 2 spots, 3 spots, 4 spots.  Added 1 set of chest presses and Mason twist at the end for good measure.

Mosey back to fountain


Suzanne Somers – Rodeo
Rosalita – Stapler
Low Flutter – Hasselhoff

Recover, recover

Great showing for my VQ.  Thanks to all that posted, and to Gnarley Goat for encouraging me to take the Q.

Not as much mumblechatter as I expected, but I appreciate Toxic making the experience real.
Rodeo called Jane Fonda, but since she's a commie, I recorded this one as the Suzanne Somers.  🙂
Sorry to Amen for not getting the JLo in.  We'll get it next time.

Little Professor