Ramrod just called BS – this just got real

Event Date

Mar 08, 2016

A truly balmy 70 degrees welcomed the 4 Rucktards to YHC's end of his 4 day bender Q. The weather warm, the winkie was short, so lets roll…rucks on…


  • SSH IC x10
  • MC IC x10
  • Mericans IC x10
  • Arm circles back and forth
  • Seal claps IC X20
  • Overhead claps IC X20

The Main Thang

YHC introduced a concept stolen from 'The Geek' who stole it from Columbia?  who obviously stole it from some rapey sum 'byatch in prison.   Hey, this is my back blast…I get to tell the story.

Five cones were laid out abbout 30 feet apart. Each cone had an exercise.

Rucks were on. Sandbags were selected.

The schedule went from Cone 1 to Cone 2,

Back to Cone 1, to Cone 2, to Cone 3,

Back to Cone 1, to Cone 2, to Cone 3, to Cone 4,

Back to Cone 3, and keep that pattern until we got back to Cone 5 up and down.

So it was 1-2-1-2-3-2-1-2-3-4-3-2-1*-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1

For your edification:

  • Cone 1 = 20 Shoulder to Shoulder presses (100 total)
  • Cone 2 = 30 Squats (210 total)
  • Cone 3 = 8 Count Burner (Squat, curl, press, skull crusher, curl down) (40 total)
  • Cone 4 = 25 Curls (75 total)
  • Cone 5 = 20 Burpees (Thats plenty)

The Selection of the Sandbags:

  • Capone and Ramrod rocked the 50 lbers
  • I started at 50 and dropped to 40 lbs after round 2
  • Silverbullet was at 40 lbs and switched to my homemade 30lbs

* At this point the rucks came off, weight plates came out and there was still no joy in Mudville.


With weights and IC with 3X repeato and no breathers:

  • 20 Russian Hammers
  • 20 presses with hips up
  • 20 flutter kicks with weight plates up

After much mumblechatter and begging, Silver Bullet tooks us to recover-recover with 25 IC LBCs without weights

The Naked Man Moleskin

  • This workout sucked. It really sucked. But its needed.  6 weeks to the HTL.
  • A few 20 counts were necessary as well as some audibled counts in order to keep the train on time.
  • The greatest joy in a workout is when someone like Ramrod calls bullshit – its an honor to hear that called out
  • The team needs to work on their counting skills.   I think Charlie Whitehurst had every number from 5 to 9 and Tony Romo must have a few different jerseys as well.
  • As always, Thunderdome is my favorite workout.  Its an honor to lead these men who take the workout without complaint.   I am thankful every day for getting EH'd into F3.  I look forward to the pain coming in Asheville.  PYA.