Random 5k with pain

Event Date

Oct 03, 2016


Tantrum ran a strong 15k yesterday, and sent me a message on the Twitter somewhat late-ish, asking if I could Q at Titan.  Of course buddy!  But with so little time to steal er I mean craft a workout, YHC decided to let the dice and a coin determine our fate.  To the best of my memory, it went something like this:

0528:  Flip a coin.  Heads we feature burpees, tails Mericans.  Coin was heads.  Of course, we did a bunch of Mericans too because I'm a jerk I care about your fitness.



  • 1/3 mile run, including butt kickers, Quadraphilia, and long striders
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean Farmers x 15 IC
  • Roll 2 dice (or die?).  Result: 6 Burpees

Running.  Direction?  Somewhat random.  But that is generally the case when YHC Qs at Titan so nothing different there.

  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Dice, 7 Burpees

Running.  Found a wall for:

  • Dips x 15 IC
  • Hand release Mericans x 10 IC
  • Dice, 7 Burpees.  Jaws made a funny comment about the expected value of a dice roll.

Running.  We found a nice loop.  Did some bear crawl here.

More running, around the loop.  Then some crab walks.

More running, to the park with no pull up bars.  Curses!  Since we couldn't do burpee pullups, we made up something equally stupid on the fly:

  • Decline diamond shoulder touch Mericans x 10 IC
  • Dice, oh that's unfortunate:  12 Burpees.

Running.  Found another wall, which happened to be somewhat tall.  Tantrum cleverly found a low part on the wall.  Is that even helpful?  We did:

  • Dips x 15 IC
  • Hand release Mericans x 10 IC
  • Dice, 9.  No!  41 Burpeers is simply too random, even for a random workout.  So, 8 Burpees to get to 40 for the day.  You're welcome.

Run back to the school.  Surprise twist:  Run a big lap around the school.  Circle up for Mary:

  • Plank for 30 seconds, then right arm up, left arm up
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 10 IC
  • Dice, 12!  But, just kidding.  Recover, recover.


  1. Great work everyone!  We covered 3.18 miles according to my Garmin.  That is, unless you are a running snob and stop your Garmin for things like bear crawls and crab walks.  I won't name names, but after the workout BEP just had to run another .1 miles to get to 3.  Snob!
  2. Dirt, you are coming along nicely as a runner.  But those slow deep squats need to be deeper and that plank was lumpy.  I care about your fitness !
  3. When Jaws does a dice workout, the 6×6 roll results in 25 burpees.  You can thank me for NOT doing that…Jaws cares about your fitness more apparently.
  4. Jingle Bells, where art thou?
  5. Thank you Tantrum for the opportunity to lead.  I'd promise to be better prepared next time, but we both know that probably means stealing something from you anyway.

Have a great week gentlemen, Turnpike.