Rash In My Grind

Event Date

Apr 05, 2022


Four fellas came out to Cobalt to sample the newly rebranded Option #1 – “Deep Stretch” and also get those legs ready for this weekends ‘Ville to ‘Ville Craft Beer Relay Race from Asheville NC to Greenville SC. It found the mark


  • Deep Stretch, while part of a solid rebranding and outreach effort to get more of the “currently stretch-less crowd” involved, does not really lend itself to a formal retelling of all the numerous and various stretches and core work. I’m sure you understand
  • Is it too much to ask of the anchor of the MILF3 Ends Justifying Means team that he run a sub 7:00 mile over the second leg of the course that covers 9.64 miles with a total ascent of 741 feet and a total descent of 820 feet? I think not
  • Overheard during the workout: “I think I got a chubby”
  • Dynamic stretches are controlled movements that prepare your muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues for performance and safety. Static stretches are those in which you stand, sit or lie still and hold a single position for period of time, up to about 45 seconds
  • Deep Stretch focused on the static flavor of stretches.  It found the mark
  • Some Pax stayed up late to watch the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship game, while some others were in bed prior to the scheduled tip-off at 9:20 pm
  • Pretty sure that swimming saved my life
  • This may have very well been taken out of context, but “Rash In My Grind” represents a particular vernacular or dialect native to Gaston County, and the phrasing represents a euphemism akin to a fungal infection of the groinal area, ringworm, jock itch, and/or the dreaded crotch rot
  • The rebranding shall continue
  • Great job fellas!